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Bowers MB. 
“Psychoses Precipitated by Psychotomimetic Drugs: A Follow-up Study”. 
Arch.Gen.Psychiat.. 1977;34(7):832-35.
Psychoses precipitated by psychotomimetic drugs (probably mainly LSD) were investigated in a follow-up study. 15 Patients (aged 17-32 yr, 4 female) who developed prolonged psychotic reactions following psychotomimetic drugs use (LSD, amphetamines, cannabis) were followed up for a mean duration of 3.5 ye. At the time of hospitalization these patients as a group had better prognostic scores than a group of patients who were hospltallzed for psychosis but had no history of drug use. About half of the patients had poor outcomes (including 2 suicides) and half did reasonably well. Extent of drug use prior to psychosis rated retrospectively from clinical records was not correlated with prognostic scores or with outcome. Chlorpromazine equivalent at remission was significantly positively correlated with treatment score, meaning the higher the antipsychotlc drug dose at remission, the less treatment was received after discharge. The best predictors of poor outcome were withdrawal, motor retardation, blunt affect, energy, and suicidal thoughts. 4 of the patients had a family history positive for psychiatric disorder (manic-depression, psychotic depression) requiring hospitalization. It is possible that vulnerability to a prolonged psychotic reaction following psychotomimetic drug use may be related to a genetic vulnerability to illnesses in the manic-depressive/ schizo-affectlve spectrum. In some instances this vulnerability may implicate central serotenergic neuronal systems.
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