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Himwich HE.
“Discussion Third Symposium: Comparison of abnormal behavioral states induced by psychotropic drugs in animals and man.”.
Neuro-Psychopharmacology. 1959;p129.
The EEG reveals a much more limited aspect of the effect of psychotropic drugs than the behavior. In spite of this it is interesting to study the modification of the EEG effect of stimulating drugs by tranquilizers. . In curarized rabbits with implanted electrodes the EEG in the drowsy animal shows desynchronization (high voltage slow waves) in all leads with spindles most frequent in the cortex. If, however, the animal is alerted desynchronization (fast low waves) is observed in the cortex and desynchronization (high 4-6 c/s waves) in the thalamus and hippocampus. . LSD (20 mcg/kg i.v.) produces pronounced alerting in the EEG with desynchronization of the cortex and hypersynchronization of the hippocampus [thalamus not traced]. Subsequent administration of chlorpromazine (5.0 mg/kg i.v.) or azacyclonol (27.5 mg/kg i.v.) annuls the LSD effect and produces a sleep-EEG. Reserpine (2.0 mg/kg i..v.) after LSD increases even the LSD-induced stimulation pattern in the EEG. . Mescaline 15 mg/kg has in general a similar effect to LSD and the effect is also similarly influenced by chlorpromazine and azocyclonol. . These results to some extent correspond with clinical observations: In the above experiments, the effect of Cpz was more persistent and more resistant against arousing stimuli than that of azacyclonol, and, clinically, Cpz is the more potent antidote against LSD. Reserpine increases also behavioral disturbances due to LSD. . (See 317)
Notes # : Proc. 1st. Int. Congr. Neuro-Psychopharmacology, Rome, Sept. 1958 |
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