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Savage C Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). A clinical-psychological study. Amer. J. Psychiat. 1952
Rothlin E Die zentralnervösen Wirkungen von Heilmitteln Georg. Thieme Verlag... 1954
Fabing HD New blocking agent against the development of LSD-25 psychosis. Science 1955
Isbell H, Fraser HF, Wikl... Tolerance to diethylamide of lysergic acid (LSD-25) Fed. Proc. 1955
Agnew N, Hoffer A Nicotinic acid modified lysergic acid diethylamide psychosis J. Ment. Sc. 1955
Burroughs W Letter From A Master Addict To Dangerous Drugs British Journal of A... 1956
Sacchi U, Brusa A, Sorian... Alterazioni istologiche del sistema nervosa centrale provocate sperime... Sistema nerv. 1957
Freedman DX, Aghajanian G... Patterns of tolerance to lysergic acid diethylamide and mescaline in r... Science 1958
Pierre R, Cahn J, Herold ... Actions de la 21 hydroxypregnanedione et du méthyl-androstanolone sur ... Thérapie 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... Contribution à un concept biochimique des psychoses expérimentales. I... Compt. rend. Soc. de... 1958
Egana E, Candiani S Effects of the LSD-25 on the behavior of rats and on the metabolic ind... IInd International C... 1959
Maffii G Influenza della mescalina e della dietilamide dell'acido lisergico (LS... Farmaco, Ed.sci. 1959
Isbell H, Miner EJ, Logan... Cross tolerance between D-2-brom-lysergic acid diethylamide (BOL-148) ... Psychopharmacologia 1959
Hoffer A Mode of action of ergot hallucinogens. Molecules and Mental... 1959
Elmadjian F Excretion and metabolism of epinephrine and norepinephrine in man. Molecules and Mental... 1959
J Delay, P Pichot, T Lemp... Effet thérapeutique de la Psilocybine sur une névrose compulsive Ann. Méd. Psychol. 1959
Hamilton CL Effects of LSD-25 and amphetamine on a running response in the rat. A.M.A.Arch.Gen.Psych... 1960
Durand VJ Diethylamide de l'acide lysergique et psychiatrie. Introduction gener... Ann.méd.-psychol. 1960
Balestrieri A Studies on cross tolerance with LSD-25, UML-491 and JB-336 Psychopharmacologia 1960
Jovanovic D, Kandic B, Kr... Prilog ispitivanju dejstva LSD-25 u eksperimentu na psima Vojnosanit. Pregl. 1960
Dhawan BN Blockade of LSD-25 pyrexia by morphine Arch. internat. phar... 1960
Stévenin L, Benoit JC A propos de l'utilisation des substances dysleptiques en psychothérapi... Encephale 1960
Roubicek J, Drvota S Psilocybin, Nové Fantastikum Csl. Psychiat. 1960
A Balestrieri Studies on cross tolerance with LSD-25, UML-491 and JB-336. Psychopharmacologia 1960
L Stevenin, JC Benoit A propos de l'utilisation des substances dysleptiques en psychotherapi... Encephale 1960
Doull J, Tricou BJ Studies on the radioprotective effect of serotonin in mice Fed. Proc. 1961
Sercl M, Lovarik J, Jaros... Klinische Erfahrungen mit Psilocybin (CY 39 Sandoz) Psychiatria et Neuro... 1961
Little JB, Radford EP, Mc... Distribution of polonium-210 in pulmonary tissues of cigarette smokers N Engl J Med 1965
Heninger GR, Bowers MB Adverse effects of niacin in emergent psychosis Journal American Med... 1968
Prado, A Na selva, um mistico vende o sonho O Estado de S. Paulo 1968
Appel JB, Freedman DX Tolerance and Cross-Tolerance Among Psychotomimetic Drugs Psychopharmacologia 1968
Torre M, Fagiani MB Assuefazione all'LSD-25. Ricerche sulfa Risposta Condizionata di Fuga ... Boll.Soc.Ital.Biol.S... 1972
Pittel SM Psychological Aspects of Heroin and Other Drug Dependence 'It's So Good, Don't... 1972
Quadri SK, Clark JL, Meit... Effects of LSD, Pargyline and Haloperidol on Mammary Tumor Growth in R... Proc.Soc.Exp.Biol.Me... 1973
Savage C, McCabe OL Residential psychedelic (LSD) therapy for the narcotic addict. A cont... Arch,Gen,Psychiat. 1973
Angrist B, Rotrosen J, Ge... Assessment of Tolerance to the Hallucinogenic Effects of DOM Psychopharmacologia 1974
Peters DAV Comparison Of The Chronic And Acute Effects Of D-lysergic Acid Diethy... Biochem Pharmacol 1974
Sansone M, Castellano C, ... Facilitation Of Avoidance Behaviour By LSD-25 And Mescaline In Hamster... Pharmacol Res Commun... 1974
Stoff DM, Mandel IJ, Gore... Acute and Chronic Effects of LSD and 3,4-Dimethoxyphenylethylamine on ... Psychopharmacologia ... 1974
Freedman DX, Boggan WO Brain Serotonin Metabolism After Tolerance Dosage of LSD Advances in Biochemi... 1974
Quadri SK Effects Of Central Acting Drugs And Ergot Derivatives On Prolactin And... Assertation Abst. In... 1974
Quadri SK Effects of Central Acting Drugs and Ergot Derivatives on Prolactin and... Dissertation Abstr.I... 1974
Halaris AE, Freedman DX, ... Plasma Corticoids And Brain Tryptophan After Acute And Tolerance Dosag... Life Sciences 1975
Hoffmeister F Negative Reinforcing Properties of Some Psychotropic Drugs in Drug-Nai... J.Pharmacol.ExpTher. 1975
Marquis W J A Behavioral Analysis of Hallucinogenic Drugs Dissertation Abstr. ... 1975
Smith RC, Boggan WO, Free... Effects of Single and Multiple Dose LSD on Endogenous Levels of Brain ... Psychopharmacologia 1975
Speranskaya TV, Aleksand... The Study of the Influence of Histamine and Serotonin Antagonists on I... Byull. Éksp.Biol.Med 1975
Milson JA, Pycock CJ Effects of Drugs Acting on Cerebral 5-Hydroxytryptamine Mechanisms on ... Brit.J.Pharmacol. 1975
Torre M, Torre E, Bogetto... The Relation between Cerebral Serotonin Levels and Conditioned Behavio... Psychopharmacologia 1975
Munson AE, Harris LS, Fri... Antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids J Natl Cancer Inst 1975
Ferri S, Santagostino A, ... Development of tolerance to the antinociceptive effect of mescaline in... Psychopharmacology (... 1976
Fuller DG Severe Solar Maculopathy Associated with the use of Lysergic Acid Diet... Amer. J. Ophthalmol. 1976
Gillan MGC, Pollock D Investigation of the effects of drugs on morphine-induced contractions... Brit.J.Pharmacol. 1976
Kovacic B, Domino EF Tolerance And Limited Cross-tolerance To The Effects Of N, N-dimethylt... J. Pharmacol. exp. T... 1976
Martin P, Consroe P Cannabinoid Induced Behavioral Convulsions in Rabbits Science 1976
Saito H, Kitagawa H Mechanisms of the reversal of blood pressure by ephedrine Jap.J.Pharmacol. 1976
Taché Y, Taché J, Mécs I,... Regulation of Resistance to Various Toxicants by PCN (Pregnenolone-16a... J.Med. 1976
Cherkin A, Exkardt MJ Effects of dimethylaminoethanol upon life-span and behavior of aged Ja... J Gerontol 1977
Harvey JA, Gormezano I, G... Effect Of D-lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) And 2-bromo-lsd (bol) On ... Fed Proc 1977
Morimoto K, Sato M Is Serotonin a Chemical Transmitter in the Frog Taste Organ? Life Sci. 1977
Peters DAV, Tang S Persistent effects of repeated injections of D-lysergic acid diethylam... Biochem.Pharmacol. 1977
Carter R B. Appel J B LSD and 5-HTP: Tolerance and Cross-Tolerance Relationships. Eur.J.Pharmacol. 1978
Ksir CJ Rate-Dependent and Stimulus Control Effect of Drugs Psychopharmacol.Bull... 1978
Schlemmer RF, Tyler CB, N... The Comparitive Effects Of LSD, Mescaline, And DMT On Primate Social A... Federation Proceedin... 1978
Otis LS, Pryor GT, Marqui... Preclinical Identification Of Hallucinogenic Compounds Pharmacology of Hall... 1978
Aghajanian GK Psychotogenic Drug Action on Chemically Defined Neurons Psychopharmacol. Bul... 1979
Gimpl MP, Gormezano I, Ha... Effects on Learning as Measured by Classical Conditioning of the Rabbi... J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther... 1979
Schlemmer RF, Heinze WJ, ... Evidence For Serotonin Mediation Of LSD-induced Abnormal Behavior In M... Federation Proc. 1979
Dolphin A, Adrien J, Hamo... Identity of (3H)-Dibydroalprenolol Binding Sites and p-Adrenergic Rece... Molec.Pharmacol. 1979
Geyer MA, Light RK LSD-Induced Alterations of Investigatory Responding in Rats Psychopharmacology 1979
Horowski R, Wachtel H Pharmacological Effects Of Lisuride In Rodents Mediated By Dopaminergi... Dopaminergic Ergot D... 1979
Bhalla AK, Hoffbrand BI, ... Prazosin and priapism Br Med J 1979
Lee EHY, Geyer MA Persistent Effects Of Chronic Administration Of LSD On Intracellular S... Neuropharmacology 1980
Ögren SO The effects of chronic treatment with nomifensine and zimelidine on 3H... 12th Congress of the... 1980
Peroutka SJ, Snyder SH Long-Term Antidepressant Treatment Decreases Spiroperidol-Labeled Sero... Science 1980
Heinze WJ, Schlemner RF, ... The Comparative Effects of d-LSD & d-Amphetamine on Stereotyped Behavi... Federation Proceedin... 1981
Ksir C, Slifer B Drug Effects on Discrimination Performance at Two Levels of Stimulus C... Psychopharmacology 1982
Mokler DJ, Commissaris RL... Drugs that influence dopamine function do not alter the disruption of ... Federation Proceedin... 1982
Larson AA Acute And Chronic Effects Of Lsd And 5-MeODMT On Raphe-Evoked Dorsal R... Life Sciences 1984
Nebes RD, Reynolds CF, Ho... The effect of vasopressin on memory in the healthy elderly Psychiatry Res 1984
Stiglick A, Kalant H Residual effects of chronic cannabis treatment on behavior in mature r... Psychopharmacology (... 1985
Beardsley PM, Balster RL,... Self-administration of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) by rhesus ... Drug Alcohol Depend 1986
Steranka LR, Rhind AW Effect of cysteine on the persistent depletion of brain monoamines by ... Eur J Pharmacol 1987
Tashkin DP, Coulson AH, C... Respiratory symptoms and lung function in habitual heavy smokers of ma... Am Rev Respir Dis 1987
Battaglia G, Yeh SY, O'He... 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine de... J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1987
Battaglia G, Yeh SY, de S... MDMA-induced neurotoxicity: parameters of degeneration and recovery of... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1988
O'Hearn E, Battaglia G, D... Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDM... J Neurosci 1988
Gold LH, Koob GF MDMA produces stimulant-like conditioned locomotor activity Psychopharmacology (... 1989
Insel TR, Battaglia G, Jo... 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('ecstasy') selectively destroys bra... J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1989
Johnson MP, Nichols DE Neurotoxic effects of the alpha-ethyl homologue of MDMA following suba... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1989
Li AA, Marek GJ, Vosmer G... Long-term central 5-HT depletions resulting from repeated administrati... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1989
Steele TD, Nichols DE, Yi... MDMA transiently alters biogenic amines and metabolites in mouse brain... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1989
Kleven MS, Seiden LS Toxicity of Amphetamine-related Drugs and Resulting Behavioural Change... NIDA Res Monogr 1989
Buckholtz NS, Zhou DF, Fr... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) administration selectively downregula... Neuropsychopharmacol... 1990
Bilsky EJ, Hui YZ, Hubbel... Methylenedioxymethamphetamine's capacity to establish place preference... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1990
Hashimoto K, Goromaru T Reduction of [3H]6-nitroquipazine-labelled 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake ... Fundam Clin Pharmaco... 1990
Meilman PW, Gaylor MS, Tu... Drug use among college undergraduates: current use and 10-year trends Int J Addict 1990
Winslow JT, Insel TR Serotonergic modulation of rat pup ultrasonic vocal development: studi... J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1990
Zacny JP, Virus RM, Woolv... Tolerance and cross-tolerance to 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MD... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1990
Ruze P Kava-induced dermopathy: a niacin deficiency? Lancet 1990

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