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All References with Titles containing 'Young_D' OR with Authors including 'Young_D' OR with Abstract including 'Young_D' OR with Keywords including 'Young_D'

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Kendall RF, Pittell SM Three Portraits of the Young Drug User: Comparison of MMPI Group Profi... Journal of Psychedel... 1971
Connell PH Hallucinogens Side effects of drug... 1972
Janzik HH, Kroenert K, Gu... Hormonal Evaluation in Young Drug Addicts J.Pharmacol. 1974
Holsten F Flashbacks: a personal follow-up Arch Psychiatr Nerve... 1976
Holsten F Flashbacks: Clinical And Social Significance 1 1/2-4 Years After The F... T Norske Laegeforen 1976
Bron B, Fröscher W, Gehle... Analyse chronischer psychotischer Zustandsbilder bei jugendlichen Drog... Fortschr. Neurol. Ps... 1977
Boys A, Marsden J, Griffi... Substance use among young people: the relationship between perceived f... Addiction 1999
Zakzanis KK, Young DA Memory impairment in abstinent MDMA (“Ecstasy”) users: A longitudinal ... Neurology 2001
Zakzanis K, Young DA Executive function in abstinent MDMA ('ecstasy') users Medical Science Moni... 2001
Zakzanis KK, Young DA, Ra... Attentional processes in abstinent methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecst... Appl Neuropsychol 2002
Hao W, Xiao S, Liu T, You... The second National Epidemiological Survey on illicit drug use at six ... Addiction 2002
McGaw C, Kankam O The Co-Ingestion of Alcohol and Mephedrone - an Emerging Cause of Acut... West London Medical ... 2010