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All References with Authors including 'Weiss_B'

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Weiss B, Abramson HA, Bar... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). XXV. Effect of potassium cyanid... Arch. Neurol. & Psyc... 1958
Abramson HA, Weiss B, Bar... Comparison of effect of lysergic acid diethylamide with potassium cyan... Nature 1958
Aghajamian GK, Weiss BL Block by LSD of the increase in brain serotonin turnover induced by el... Nature 1968
Uzunov P, Weiss B Effect of psychotomimetic drugs on the cyclic 3', 5'-AMP system of rat... Pharmacologist 1971
Levin RM, Weiss B Mechanism by Which Psychotropic Drugs Inhibit Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-M... Mol. Pharmacol. 1976
Levin RM, Weiss B Specificity of binding of antipsychotics to the activator of cyclic nu... Pharmacologist 1977
Levin RM, Weiss B Selective Binding of Antipsychotics and Other Psychoactive Agents to t... J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther... 1979