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All References with Titles containing 'Schmidt_M' OR with Authors including 'Schmidt_M' OR with Abstract including 'Schmidt_M' OR with Keywords including 'Schmidt_M'

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Schmidt MJ, Hill LE Effects of Ergots on Adenylate Cyclase Activity in the Corpus Striatum... Life Sci. 1977
Schmidt MJ, Root MA, Hall... Dopamine Agonist Induced Hyperglycemia In Rats: Structure-activity;sRe... Europ.J.Pharmacol. 1983
Schmidt-Mutter C, Pain L,... The anxiolytic effect of gamma-hydroxybutyrate in the elevated plus ma... Eur J Pharmacol 1998
Gopel C, Maras A, Schmidt... [Hawaiian baby rose wood: case report of an argyreia nervosa induced t... Psychiatr Prax 2003
Schmidt MS, Prisinzano TE... Determination of Salvinorin A in body fluids by high performance liqui... J Chromatogr B Analy... 2005
Schmidt MD, Schmidt MS, B... Pharmacokinetics of the plant-derived kappa-opioid hallucinogen salvin... Synapse 2005
Rothman RB, Murphy DL, Xu... Salvinorin A: Allosteric Interactions at the {micro}-Opioid Receptor J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2007
Schmidt MM, Sharma A, Sch... 'Legal highs' on the net-Evaluation of UK-based Websites, products and... Forensic Sci Int 2011