Author |
Title |
JournalName |
Year D |
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Abbott A, Concar D |
A trip into the unknown |
New Scientist |
1992 |
Helmlin HJ, Bracher K, Bo... |
Analysis of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and its metabolit... |
J Anal Toxicol |
1996 |
Kintz P, Cirimele V |
Interlaboratory comparison of quantitative determination of amphetamin... |
Forensic Sci Int |
1997 |
Parrott AC, Lasky J |
Ecstasy (MDMA) effects upon mood and cognition: before, during and aft... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
1998 |
Parrott AC, Lees A, Garnh... |
Cognitive performance in recreational users of MDMA of 'ecstasy': evid... |
J Psychopharmacol (O... |
1998 |
Pedersen W, Skrondal A |
Ecstasy and new patterns of drug use: A normal population study. |
Addiction |
1999 |
Mintzer S, Hickenbottom S... |
Parkinsonism after taking ecstasy [Comment & Reply] |
N Engl J Med |
1999 |
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Dau... |
Impaired cognitive performance in drug free users of recreational ecst... |
J Neurol Neurosurg P... |
2000 |
Bhattachary S, Powell JH |
Recreational use of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or 'ecsta... |
Psychol Med |
2001 |
Croft RC, Macay AJ, Mills... |
The relative contributions of ecstasy and cannabis to cognitive impair... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
2001 |
MacInnes, N, Handley, SL ... |
Former chronic methylenedioxymethamphetamine (mdma or ecstasy) users r... |
J Psychopharmacology |
2001 |
Croft, RJ, Klugman, A, Ba... |
Electrophysiological evidence of serotonergic impairment in lonf-term ... |
American Journal of ... |
2001 |
Heffernan TM, Jarvis H, R... |
Prospective memory, everyday cognitive failure and central executive f... |
Hum Psychopharm Clin... |
2001 |
Daumann J, Pelz S, Becker... |
Psychological profile of abstinent recreational Ecstasy (MDMA) users a... |
Hum Psychopharmacol ... |
2001 |
Rodgers J, Buchanan T, S... |
Differential effects of Ecstasy and cannabis on self-reports of memory... |
Hum Psychopharm Clin... |
2001 |
Parrott AC, Milani RM, Pa... |
Recreational ecstasy/MDMA and other drug users from the UK and Italy: ... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
2001 |
Morgan MJ, McFie L, Flett... |
Ecstasy (MDMA): Are the psychological problems associated with its use... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
2002 |
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Bec... |
Neuroendocrine abnormalities in recreational ecstasy (MDMA) users: is ... |
Biol Psychiatry |
2002 |
Pacifici R, Zuccaro P, Fa... |
Cell-mediated immune response in MDMA users after repeated dose admini... |
Ann N Y Acad Sci |
2002 |
Parry CD, Bhana A, Pludde... |
The South African Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use (SACENDU)... |
Addiction |
2002 |
Gross SR, Barrett SP, She... |
Ecstasy and drug consumption patterns: a Canadian rave population stud... |
Can J Psychiatry |
2002 |
Samyn N, De Boeck G, Wood... |
Plasma, oral fluid and sweat wipe ecstasy concentrations in controlled... |
Forensic Sci Int |
2002 |
Peters FT, Maurer HH, Hel... |
Prevalence of illicit drug use in plasmapheresis donors |
Vox Sang |
2003 |
Curran HV, Verheyden SL |
Altered response to tryptophan supplementation after long-term abstent... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
2003 |
Drummer OH, Gerostamoulos... |
The incidence of drugs in drivers killed in Australian road traffic cr... |
Forensic Sci Int |
2003 |
Dafters RI, Hoshi R, Talb... |
Contribution of cannabis and MDMA ('ecstasy') to cognitive changes in ... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
2003 |
Rodgers J, Buchanan T, Sc... |
Patterns of Drug Use and the Influence of Gender on Self-Reports of Me... |
J Psychopharmacology |
2003 |
Wareing M, Murphy PN, Fis... |
Visuospatial memory impairments in users of MDMA ('ecstasy') |
Psychopharmacology (... |
2004 |
McCardle K, Luebbers S, C... |
Chronic MDMA (ecstasy) use, cognition and mood |
Psychopharmacology (... |
2004 |
Daumann J, Hensen G, Thim... |
Self-reported psychopathological symptoms in recreational ecstasy (MDM... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
2004 |
Wareing M, Fisk JE, Murph... |
Verbal working memory deficits in current and previous users of MDMA |
Hum Psychopharmacol |
2004 |
Scholey AB, Parrott AC, B... |
Increased intensity of Ecstasy and polydrug usage in the more experien... |
Addict Behav |
2004 |
Butler GK, Montgomery AM |
Impulsivity, risk taking and recreational 'ecstasy' (MDMA) use |
Drug Alcohol Depend |
2004 |
Sala M, Braida D |
Endocannabinoids and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) interact... |
Pharmacol Biochem Be... |
2005 |
Milani RM, Parrott AC, Sc... |
Pattern of cannabis use in ecstasy polydrug users: moderate cannabis u... |
Hum Psychopharmacol |
2005 |
Scott-Ham M, Burton FC |
Toxicological findings in cases of alleged drug-facilitated sexual ass... |
Journal of clinical ... |
2005 |
Schilt T, de Win MM, Koet... |
Cognition in novice ecstasy users with minimal exposure to other drugs... |
Arch Gen Psychiatry |
2007 |
de Sola S, Tarancón T, Pe... |
Auditory event-related potentials (P3) and cognitive performance in re... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
2008 |
Nutt DJ |
Equasy-- an overlooked addiction with implications for the current deb... |
J Psychopharmacol |
2009 |
Corazza O, Schifano F |
Near-death states reported in a sample of 50 misusers |
Subst Use Misuse |
2010 |
Winstock AR, Mitcheson LR... |
Mephedrone, new kid for the chop? |
Addiction |
2010 |
Dumont G, Van Hasselt J, ... |
Acute psychomotor, memory and subjective effects of MDMA and THC co-ad... |
J Psychopharmacol |
2010 |
Parrott AC |
Residual neurocognitive features of ecstasy use: a re-interpretation o... |
Addiction |
2011 |
González D, Ventura M, Ca... |
Consumption of new psychoactive substances in a Spanish sample of rese... |
Hum Psychopharmacol |
2013 |
Caudevilla F, Ventura M, ... |
Results of an international drug testing service for cryptomarket user... |
Int. J. Drug Policy |
2016 |