From: Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics Subject: drug testing Date: 3 Jan 1995 21:31:26 GMT Message-ID:Test Your Government Not Your Urine reply by Jeff Nightbyrd founder Byrd Labs Here's some additional info on urine testing. Remember pscyhedelics are not normally tested for and there metabolites are difficult to find even by a GC/MS test. Many of you may have friends with other problems so I'll send this along. Because I'm writing too fast to cite background material, I'll give a capsule snapshot of my background. I invented powdered drug free urine. Then helped Abbie Hoffman with Steal This Urine Test (in which he endorsed the powdered appraoch). Later, with the help of many libertarian chemists, I developed an additive called UrineAid. This worked so successfully tin caused an uproar in the testing industry, After a year they created a test just to detect UrinAid. This counter, counter measure, is currently used in about 5% of the laboratories. The great state of Texas, where I live, passed a law against my activities, making it illegal to manufacture or sell a product in Texas that would create a negative on urine tests. Therefore, I sold Byrd Labs, but still remain as a consultant. I'm not a pot smoker. I got into this because urine testing is un-American. Testers invade your person on the presumption of guilt until innocence is proven, which violates the 5th amendment. Urine tests don't enhance the public's safety because they measure what happened at the party last weekend rather than a person's current performance capacity. They are basically anti marijuana tests because the evil weed will be detected in your system up to 30 days while coke, for example, passes out of the detectability range in two. The basic emit test is triggered by more than 250 over the counter medications. False positives run high. Our prison system is filled with minor marijuana offenders which costs the tax payers a fortune. A few facts: as of January, The DOT reduced the testing level for THC from 100 nanograms to 50. In the past, various drinks such as Test Free, worked because they diluted a sample under the threshold of the test. Water, Ice tea,or Pepsi work as well. Dillution alone will be increasingly risky under the new cut off levels. Visine does not work. Nor does Goldenseal, WD 40, or blood. In an emergency, dilution combined with adding household powdered bleach is the best bet.. Grind the powder and experiment. Many bleaches foam or leave residue. By the way Draino does not work well even when adding a half teaspoonful. And, besides foaming, those little metal specks must be removed. With the aid of NORML activists, who supplied THC positive samples, we have run more than a 1000 tests to check every possible theory. Powdered urine, "We are to urine, what Tang is to orange juice", works perfectly. However in most situation carrying it in, pre mixed, is a problem. UrinAid is very potent, but some employers are testing for this adulterant. You have to check out your situation before using it. Super Clean is effective, but the inventor had to design a compound which would beat the tests but not be so strong as to be detectable. In some situations ( about 3%) it's failed. A new product called Klear has looked very promising in our tests. Conquering the Urine Tests, the 10th edition of my pamphlet updated for 1995 is just out. It's $5 by mail. (Sorry I'm just getting my internet surf board wet.) Byrd Labs is reachable at 800 333-2152. You can fax me questions at 512 478-7706 - I'll try to be helpful. The phone number for Klear is 800 661-1357. Klear's address: 40 4th street #216, Petaluma, Ca. 94952. Justin is correct when he says deny and challenge any positive result. Many employers are not showing employees their lab results. It's the new excuse used to fire someone without going through proper procedures. I've counseled several, very straight, elderly workers - close to retirement - who were fired and lost their pension benefits because they "failed their drug test". Un Hunh! Also women's urine is sometimes tested for pregnancy. In addition, urine has been used to detect heart, renal, and other conditions in employees. In this Orwellian Big Brother era there are no laws protecting workers. My time is limited, but I'm willing to provide what I help I can for those challenging testing. If anyone has an interesting law suit underway, I have one of the most extensive libraries of materials in the country, collected with the help of many people who think the multi billion dollar War on Drugs is a threat to our liberties. Our motto: Pee for Pleasure/ Not for Employment.
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