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New, Vintage, and Signed Blotter Art
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blotter art. These look great framed on the wall !
by Erowid
1975 Flunitrazepam is first released by Hoffman La Roche Pharmaceutical "for the management of insomnia and induction of anaesthesia." 1  
Late 1970s Recreational use of Flunitrazepam is first seen in Europe. 2  
1983 Flunitrazepam is placed into Schedule IV in the United States making it illegal to buy, sell, or possess without a prescription. But at the same time, it was NOT approved for sale in the U.S. by the FDA, meaning that only foreign sales and purchases were allowed.   
1990-1996 Flunitrazepam is imported into the United States, legally in some cases (with a prescription) and illegally in many others. It gains a reputation of being used as a date rape drug, though there is significant disagreement about how widespread this problem is.   
Mar 1995 Flunitrazepam is moved to Schedule III by the United Nations. It remains schedule IV in the United States.   
1996 The FDA bans all importation of Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) into the United States. 3  
1996-2003 Illegal importation of Flunitrazepam into the United States continues. The DEA reports that use and importation continue to rise during this period, especially in Texas and Florida coming from Mexican sources.   

  1.   Hoffman La Roche History.
  2.   Staten C. "'Roofies', The New 'Date Rape' Drug of Choice". Emergency Response & Research Institute. Jan 1996.
  3.   Inaba D, Cohen W, Holstein M. Uppers, Downers, and All Arounders. CNS, 1997.