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cover image
How major corporations and government plan to track your every move with RFID
Rating :
Author(s) :
Katherine Albrecht
Liz McIntyre
Pages :
Pub Date :
Edition(s) at Erowid :
2005(hb,1st ed,vg+)
Publisher :
Nelson Current
Big Brother gets up close and personal.

Do you know about RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification)? Well you should, because in just a few short years, this explosive new technology could tell marketers, criminals, and government snoops everything about you.

Welcome to the world of spychips, where tiny computer chips smaller than a grain of sand will track everyday objects--and even people--keeping tabs on everything you own and everywhere you go. In this startling, eye-opening book, you'll learn how powerful corporations are planning a future where:
  • Strangers will be able to scan the contents of your purse or briefcase from across a room.
  • Stores will change prices as you approach-squeezing extra profits out of bargain shoppers and the poor.
  • The contents of your refrigerator and medicine cabinet will be remotely monitored.
  • Floors, doorways, ceiling tiles, and even picture frames will spy on you--leaving virtually no place to hide.
  • Microchip implants will track your every move--and even broadcast your conversations remotely or electroshock you if you step out of line.
This is no conspiracy theory. Hundreds of millions of dollars have already been invested in what global corporations and the government are calling "the hottest new technology since the bar code". Unless we stop it now, RFID could strip away our last shreds of privacy and usher in a nightmare world of total survellance--to keep us all on Big Brother's very short leash.