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Spiral Erowid Zip Hoodie
This black mid-weight zip hoodie (80/20) has front pockets,
an Erowid logo on front chest, and a spiral design on back.
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cover image
One Foot in the Future
A Woman's Spiritual Journey
Rating :
Author(s) :
Nina Graboi
Pages :
Pub Date :
Edition(s) at Erowid :
1991(pb,1st ed,vg)
Publisher :
Aerial Press
"The interplay of inner transformation and outer events is sensitively portrayed by Nina Graboi as she shares in One Foot in the Future the many fascinating parts she has played on the stage of life."
-- Ram Dass, Author, lecturer, teacher, head of Seva Foundation.

"One Foot in the Future is the story of a survivor. Nina Graboi survived the Nazi's hunt-and-destroy mission against Jews, the superficial life of a Long Island matron, the hazards of being associated with Timothy Leary as director of an LSD Center in New York, and financial risks invovlved in divorce American style. She tells her story with style, with integrity, and with humor. The wisdom in this book is instructive to readers of either gender and of all ages, especially those adventurous enough to contemplate embarking on their own heroic journey."
-- Stanley Krippner, Author, editor, director of Saybrook Institute in San Francisco.

"Nina Graboi's wonderful odyssey from the center of Nazi Europe to the center of the Acid Age and beyond is an extraordinary tale of humor and hope writ large on the canvas of the 20th Century."
-- Terence McKenna, Author and lecturer on the origins of culture, language and psychedelics.

"Nina Graboi has lived a wonderful, challenging, rich life. It's a fantastic saga, and her memories about the events 25 years ago are so fresh. She has personally experienced and now reflects for us most of the major cultural events of the last five decades. Her autobiography is a rare, precious life achievement.
-- Timothy Leary, Author of 30 books, stand-up philosopher.

"Nina Graboi's autobiography reads like an action adventure story. Her evolutionary journey is woven together with a blend of old-world charm, hip futuristic elegance, humor, wisdom, and psychological insight. Her courage, optimism, and passion for life is inspirational."
-- David Jay Brown, Author of Brainchild and Voices of Vision.

"Nina Graboi's voice needs to be heard. She is one of the rare surrogates of Herself who remembers the code in the heart-place to 'redeem the time--redeem the unread vision of the higher dream." -- Jean Houston, Internationally known seminar leader, author.