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Clinical Pharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple
Rating :
Author(s) :
James Olson
Pages :
Pub Date :
Edition(s) at Erowid :
2000(pb,10th prtg,fine)
Publisher :
MedMaster Inc
"Well-organized and concise review of pharmacology; excellent use of tables to compare different agents within a given class of drugs. The narrative and graphics, including the comics, will make this especially attractive to students as they review pharmacology."
-- Joseph W. Cranston Jr., Ph.D., Director, Department of Drugs, American Medical Association

"The chart format for pharmacology makes both study and reference a snap. With such clinically relevant material, I still carry my original ragged and torn copy to work with me every day."
-- Scott Gibson, M.D., Emergency Medicine Resident, Methodist Hospital of Indiana

"Clinical Pharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple contains all the essentials of pharmacology, without unnecessary detail, in a very readable format. An excellent source for Boards review."
-- Debbie Overstreet, Medical Student, University of Washington

"I would like to use Chapter 7 as a handout to third year medical students. Too often, faculty forget to review the essentials of pharmacology that influence our clinical decisions. This book superbly integrates basic and clinical pharmacology."
-- Janet Gilsdorf, M.D., Chief, Division of Pediatric Infectious Disease, University of Michigan

"The format is conducive to self-testing. The tables are complex, yet concise. The cartoons are clever and strategically placed to reinforce concepts and enhance visual learning."
-- Dan Swangard, Medical Student, University of Washington

"As a practicing physician, I found this to be an excellent quick review of pharmacology and a painless way to stay up to date in this rapidly changing field."
-- Alan Gill, M.D., Family Physician, Indian Health Service, Browining, Montana