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I Saw What an Artist Sees
Spice-Like Smoking Blend
by jerk
Citation:   jerk. "I Saw What an Artist Sees: An Experience with Spice-Like Smoking Blend (exp97813)". Nov 6, 2024.

2 - 3 hits smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
I should start by saying that I feel that I am pretty experienced with 'getting high' or 'tripping'. Over the years I've smoked a lot of pot, took acid and mushrooms, and even did a little coke. I get drug tested for my job and can't afford to fail.

About a year or so ago, a good friend told me he'd been smoking 'fake weed' and that it worked. I didn't believe him, but decided to humor him and tried a hit. I was blown away. 'It actually works' is all I could mutter over and over. I bought some of my own and have smoked it since, and have enjoyed it, as it provides a high similar to pot, even though it's not quite the same.

The shop I get it from stopped selling the brand that I normally bought, but the guy recommended another one. He said it's what he smokes and he likes it. He also pointed at some other stuff that was much more expensive but warned that it was 'WAY INTENSE'. I decided to go off his recommendation and took my pouch of it home with a new cheapy glass pipe. Tonight after my wife lay down in bed to read I intended to take a few puffs, and play some video games like I usually do to wind down.

I tucked my wife into bed and went and got my new pipe and loaded it. I took 2 or 3 puffs and set it down. I planned to go outside and smoke a cigarette. By the time I got to the living room I could feel it coming on. 'This is much faster than normal!' I thought to myself. I picked up my cigarettes and started towards the door and the high hit me like a mack truck. I was suddenly overwhelmed with the thought of standing outside in the open. I put the cigarettes down and sat in my chair. I just kept getting higher. Sports center was on TV, and seemed so intense. I decided to turn it off and just sit in the dark.
I just kept getting higher. Sports center was on TV, and seemed so intense. I decided to turn it off and just sit in the dark.

'I'm going to have to wait this one out' I told myself. It just kept getting more and more intense. I could feel my heart pounding in my head. I thought 'Oh no, this is how I die!'. I stumbled to the guest bedroom and crawled into bed, it seemed to take hours to get there. I looked at the clock, it was 4:23am. I started looking around in the dark and noticed strange patterns in the air. What looked like herds of gazelles running across my vision became a mass of color and strange patterns. I started to notice patterns that it felt like I had seen before. I really feel like I was feeling sensations from early childhood, but I can't really find words to describe it. I could see the room still, but it seemed to be so much more detailed than usual. I thought 'This is what an artist sees!'. I could still hear my heart pounding and tried to will it to quiet and slow down. Then I thought, 'I'm a big fat guy, I've given myself some kind of heart attack!' The mass of colors shifted into what looked like a circulatory system complete with beating heart. The heart changed to look like a car engine pumping away.

I felt like hours had passed, but when I looked at the clock it was 4:24am. I could feel control of my thoughts coming back to me and felt like I really needed to hug my wife. I stumbled into her bedroom and said 'I'm sorry if this scares you, but I don't think I should ever smoke that fake pot again'. She asked why and I tried in vain to describe what I had experienced. She said 'It's only been like 5 minutes since you were in here!'. I couldn't believe it, but I looked at the clock and it was true. I lay down in bed and cuddled up to her. We talked for a while and she said that I seemed completely normal to her, maybe just slightly more talkative. My reply was 'So I'm always a weirdo!?' We laughed and I got up and went outside to have a cigarette, I finally was starting to feel normal again. Now, at 7am I'm back at baseline, but that was so not what I was expecting.

This stuff is nothing like pot. It seemed to alter my perception in a way similar to LSD, but was way faster coming on and going away. I don't know if I will ever smoke that stuff again, as I really felt like I was about to die for a minute there (felt like hours).

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97813
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Nov 6, 2024Views: 34
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