The Drug Child
Cannabis & Various
Citation:   that b-town. "The Drug Child: An Experience with Cannabis & Various (exp96191)". Jun 7, 2018.

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Methamphetamine MDMA Xanax Alcohol Morphine Codeine Cannabis nutmeg morning glory seeds poppy seed tea cocaine black tar heroin

I started smoking pot around age 12, which happened quickly at the time and never really thought about it. Probably would have been more reluctant if I hadn't found my parents stash at an early age and finally realizing 'thats what that smell was!'
Anyway when I think about it, it wasn't long before I had experimented with other drugs which happened slowly and became more frequent in use and desire.

I was 13 when I first took some morphine and hydrocodone which hadn't really done much for me as I hadn't really achieved the liking or realizations of the opiate high. My cousin came into town and we got some marijuana as we knew eachother most of our lives but hadn't hung out since we both started smoking pot and he showed me the movie fear and loathing in las vegas which I took quite a liking to and was very intruiged as I knew my dad had done acid and other drugs as a kid. I didn't know where to get many other drugs besides weed but I had tried to get some ecstasy because a few of my peers had tried it since they thought it was 'cool' because they knew some of the older raver kids that did it.

I obtained a dealers number who occasionally had tabs and he hadn't had them for awhile so I had just bought pot for the time being while I had the money. Anyway one day I called him up and he said he didn't have any tabs but some good yay, and I was reluctant at first since I wasn't very experienced with drugs but was up for some exitment so I snuck out and purchased a 10 sack which I did half of when I got back and it was great, numb nose, stimulation yet feeling calm and very chill. I loved the smell more than anything but knew I wouldn't buy it again for a long time as I was afraid of getting addicted.

It wasn't long after that I had some weed but also some money so I called up dude and I again snuck out and purchased two orange pistols. As soon as I bought them I took one right away having a little trouble getting it down without water and experiencing the bitter bitter taste of mdma. I walked home and was already feeling pretty good and had smoked some bud but took the next tab about an hour later because I heard that the first time you roll is the best and I figured I would make it intense. I had so many feelings and emotions with waves of bliss for several hours. About 8-10 hours I still felt the roll and had listened to music for most the time listening to vicious delicious by infected mushroom over 30 times each with intense bliss and there is a long buildup in that song that is amazing. I watched trippy videos on youtube that just the movements of them almost made me cry it was such a happy blissful feeling of feeling the pictures and videos moving it is almost hard to explain. I rolled through the night and was still awake in the morning it was such I great experience that I felt there was no comedown at all. I was so happy with what had happened for months I wasn't depressed and I know that mdma had great therapuetic benefits.

After my great rolling experience it was maybe a couple months or so since I felt I was ready to do it again. My freind had some tabs that supposedly had acid in them but I know that they did not although they were very strong and trippy tabs I took one the first time and it was a very nice roll shorter than the first time I had rolled but still intense. I did these tabs again a week later with someone and we each took two and had a great time with nice visuals and an amazing bonding experience that I will never forget. It was another week later and he still had these tabs and I took three as I had some money this girl gave me to buy her some pot but I figured she didn't need it for awhile :P (don't worry she got it back) and I rolled for at least 15 hours I took them all at once and the sky was literally purple and I walked with my dad (he didn't know I was on e) and had some nice conversations. But somehow I was rolling so long I started getting bored and didn't have much to do so I just lay trying to sleep and thinking and eventually drifted off.

I had a long dry spell of money and pot after this for awhile and experiemented with legal highs such as nutmeg, morning glory, dxm, and poppy seed tea. Nutmeg (the whole nuts) I was able to obtain at the grocery store either by stealing (I don't do that anymore due to anxiety and can't risk getting caught) or buying as it was really cheap cause it was from the bulk section. I would dose anywhere from 10-20 grams cause I had a scale usually on the 20gram side as I had build up a sort of perma-tolerance. Some of my friends haven't tried nutmeg because of bad trips on delerients such as benadryl and they think it will be like that because its a delerient but its nothing like it. I haate the benadryl 'high' / 'trip' its always just made me tired and feel shitty even with high enough doses although I've had trouble talking and thinking. Its just a stupid drug in my opinion to fuck with recreationally. Anyway with the nutmeg it would always make me a bit drunk/high sometimes with visuals and heightened senses almost like a downer of rolling or something. It's nice the only downsides are somewhat severe cottonmouth, dry skin, and I forgot what else as I haven't done it in awhile.

Morning glory took me a couple times of dosing to get a dose for a high which was about 500 seeds and the experience was I felt like I was on a high dose of opiates (I hadn't tried lsd but after having taken it years later I know now that one of the effects of the seeds where lights were reaaally bright I mean like beams of like shooting out of all sides somewhat is the only thing I relate the seeds to lsd) otherwise it was just a nice high feeling. Although I didn't feel high for awhile and it was after 30 minuets of sheer pain (horrrible nausea) as I had expected with the morning glories.

I obtained a big bottle of dxm polistrix (delsym) which I didn't find out until I got it and got home that it was the extended release form and is a little more dangerous for the plasma level concentration in the blood and I had a hard time finding a just hbr while in the store trying to not look sketchy ;p. Anyway I drank it around 9:00 the whole bottle about around 500mg I think I remember mathing out at the time and played a board game with my family and didn't even really think about it untill it was midnight and my parents were asleep that I started tripping. It was fun at first I was dancing around to some shpongle and tribal sounding tunes and watched alice in wonderland but then after awhile I was too fucked up on it and threw up in the toilet and somehow was too fucked up to open my mouth in time so I threw up threw my nose and then my mouth so I had to blow my nose after blowing chunks and it was a gross experience I'll say. Mostly because I could then smell puke for awhile. I laid in bed and remember one of my only vivid hallucinacions was seeing a clock on the wall that was like in alice in wonderland where the sides of the clock are all out of proportion and sort of morphing. I laid down trying to sleep and was vivedly playing video games in my head and eventually somehow got to sleep. It was a good/bad experience but I look at all experiences as good ones.

Poppy seed tea I had aquired while trying to steal some nutmeg and it but got caught and forgot about it and managed to get out with the poppy seeds. I went home and brewed some using cold water and lemon and lime juice to acetate the morphine/codeine (haha I was 13 still) and waited awhile until I thought it was ready and strained it and drank it. The high was mild but very nice and was euphoric. I was babysitting my little sister and I was much more patient and tolerant and watched some shows with her with amusment more than usual it was a nice opiate buzz.

After this dry spell of money (weed) I was talking to dude and he offered to let me do some ice with him. I was intruiged and figured it would be kind of like rolling so I snuck out and met up with him. He showed me how to chase off of foil and we smoked a 'bowl' now realizing it was sort of alot at the time I hand't even tried speed on its own (adderall,vyvanse,dexedrine) and after smoking it and getting on it I felt good and 110% I was clear as crystal no pun intended. It wasn't how I expected it but was nice and it increased talkitivity and intruiged conversation quite a bit. After a little bit of smoking the tweak and talking he asked me if I wanted to shoot some. This I was very reluctent at first but was ready for it and figured its something I could experience and seemed like it wouldn't be something I would get offered again so I accepted. I helped him pull, register, in it goes not on the first time I think but he got me on the first time. It was easier than expected although at the time I remember feeling very anxious as I was tweaking and shooting up for the first time at a very young age. I could feel electricity (you could call it) at the back of my neck after the shot It seemed like it was the meth going right to my brain. I was even more on it and felt good. We went outside and he had to go pick of some coke so it was time for me to go back to my house walking home in the middle of the night with some tunes and tweaking was great. When I got home I didn't really know what to do but after a little while I started throwing up and disliking the meth high if I was on weed or benzos I would have been feeling great but alas I was not. I tried to sleep for quite awhile and eventually did and it was a good/bad experience but good overall and every experience is a good experience in my mind. I'm sooo glad I didn't go into amphetamine psychosis I haven't experienced that yet and never want to.

It was many months where I had pretty much just smoked pot and occasionally drank and was offered small amounts of substances that were not new and accepted. I had a weekend where I stayed up three days with my friend on adderall and did a good amount of coke throughout the time and drank one of the nights, smoking weed occasionally. There was a big downers craze where I would hang out where people were really into things like xanax bars and black tar (diacetylmorphine aka heroin) which I started taking a liking to. Brown was expensive so when I occasionlly money I wanted to spend on it I would shoot it since it isn't wasting any of the drug and could do smaller amounts and still get on it. I stopped doing it after seeing people shoot up 50 sacks just to get sober and people smoking 100 sacks a day and still getting on it but it was just a sad thing to see. I am lucky that the tar is no longer really going around and people only occasionally use opiates now. I'v only done bars so many times but thats mostly because they are just too good I would get addicted to them if I had the money and don't want to go to bad means to obtain money. I have anxiety and bars take that away completely and I know that if I got addicted I would be fucked because bar withdrawl is worse than opiates.

My point of this rediculously long story and this is just the experiences none of the negative emotions or fiendings for the drugs. I've been sober for a little while now and I know I'll be back smoking pot soon but I'm not worried about harder things because I don't want to waste the money on them exexpt for psychedelics and maybe occasional mdma etc.. Do drugs if you please but be smart and if you haven't used them I suggest you dont start.

Exp Year: 2008-2012ExpID: 96191
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jun 7, 2018Views: 154
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MDMA (3), Cocaine (13), Poppies - Opium (43), Heroin (27), Nutmeg (41), Morning Glory (38) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2)

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