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Not at All Good for Me
6-APB & Amphetamine Sulphate
Citation:   silver darling. "Not at All Good for Me: An Experience with 6-APB & Amphetamine Sulphate (exp95229)". Feb 7, 2017.

T+ 0:00
1 capsl oral 6-APB (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00 2 capsls oral 6-APB (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Amphetamines (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 6 tablets oral Pharms - Diazepam  
I'm an old hippy dancer and this was my first experience with legal highs. I don't want to repeat it.

Bought 5 caps and had 3, friend had 2. Took one about 5pm but nothing happening by 7 really, except the colors were up, so took other 2 in skinhead ska club. So given paranoia potential and my age this wasn't a good idea. I figured the dose just needed to be bigger and I wanted a hit. I got fuckn hit ok. Was also dabbing speed.

This was my first ecstasy type drug for a year. I am a very occasional user (once or twice a year). But I like e's, they make me feel good, trippy and soft body hit, great to dance tech-to, can get the violence off onto the dancefloor and the love goes for the people. This stuff did not do that for me.

The other 2 6-apb caps caught me about 30mins later, absolutely jittery, wired, gurning, screaming in my head, I've just had a night of wandering round clubs trying to rant at people who (fair enough) thought I was mad. Looking for Berlin type techno to lose myself to. I have to thank a collection of saturday night mostly young dancers who helped me keep a bit of sanity. I was raving as in lunatic not dancing. There was just a fucked trip with this, no rush and rise, my hands weren't magic gloves they were just gurning too. I could only speak in single sentences, couldn't keep any conversation beyond begging people for help. Total anxiety. I couldn't get my head into what was good ska (pauline black and studio one) and then mostly gay bar pop house, couldn't seem to grab that rockin vibe that takes me away from myself and into the music, maybe if I could've found some techno I might have got into it, but I doubt it. Maybe it wasn't that sort of schizophrenia I have occasionally had with acid but it was very disturbing for me. Its was death skull stuff for me man.

It's now afternoon of next day, I'm still gurning, I've had 6 diazepam and I'm not stopping the grimace. From my perspective, I don't do a lot drugs but sure I have experience, it was closest to bad coke you get in Scotland, with no cocaine and just man-mades. All fidget and no clean hit. Now I just feel like a prick, took a lot of stick from the skinheads and blotted my (already ropey) copybook, made an ass of myself and now it's speak to this board and speak to my friends and deal with what one friend says will be a couple of days of this.

My friend had a better time of it (when he wasn't worrying about me), he's still gurning tho..

So in retrospect, I should have left it at 1
in retrospect, I should have left it at 1
. And I should have gone somewhere rave. And I'll have to accept I'm too old for disco biscuits and its time to rely on adrenaline...

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 95229
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 47
Published: Feb 7, 2017Views: 3,187
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6-APB (516) : Difficult Experiences (5), Music Discussion (22), Overdose (29), First Times (2), Club / Bar (25)

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