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High and Higher
by stab
Citation:   stab. "High and Higher: An Experience with Tianeptine (exp93061)". Dec 13, 2015.

187.5 mg oral Pharms - Tianeptine (pill / tablet)
The country I live has Stablon (tianeptine) available without prescription from pharmacies. After some research, I decided to try it out.

First, I took 3 tabs (12,5mg each), max. daily dosage, and noticed a slight headache after 30 mins, which is average onset time. Unsatisfied, I swallowed remaining 12 tabs and after another 30 mins, there is a definite mild euphoric, pleasant anxiolytic effect.

No hallucinations, no nausea, no vertigo, no dizziness, heightened feelings, an overall 'satisfied' mood. It lasted for 30-60 mins, which then I returned to baseline with no ill effects. I started to take tianeptine occasionally, with doses up to 300 mg a day for a long high.

But one thing to notice is; it makes me spend money. Yes, I know it sounds stupid, but I bought numerous things I didn't consider buying, a PS3, bluetooth headsets, an LCD TV etc... (I have a job btw) and It sorta feels 'compulsive'
one thing to notice is; it makes me spend money. Yes, I know it sounds stupid, but I bought numerous things I didn't consider buying, a PS3, bluetooth headsets, an LCD TV etc... (I have a job btw) and It sorta feels 'compulsive'
, I buy and I feel happy. Just spending on something makes me feel content without thinking too much on my budget, I decided to have a holiday in a 5 star hotel, which 3-day stay is equal to my one month salary. I spent 3 days with constantly on Stablon, and regretted none whatsoever, which is something I would hardly do without Stablon.

After the effects are gone, I sometimes slightly regret what I have done; or bought, but nonetheless, it was a high and euphoric. Besides, all the things I bought, one way or the other, I have use for. Like I didn't buy a tractor tire nor felt the need to buy one.

Also It causes analgesia, I literally ripped my pilonidal sinus with my nails, bled it and tried to extract the hair lodged there for 15 years. The next morning, I was amazed at what had I done, I had literally gone into a frenzy to tear it open. Not too important though, my nails are short. I can say it was euphoric and nowhere near disturbing. And It wasn't delirium, I occasionally probe it to stop infection buildup, but that night I was a bit off. After 3 days It healed completely so no major damage.

My enjoyment increases whatever I do when I am on stablon, like smoking, chatting, and it also helps my social phobia; no psychosis, no delirium, no hangovers, absolutely no side effects.

The onset is 20-30 mins and starts like an opium high in my stomach. It increases until peak, which is 10-20 mins from then. I never mixed with anything else, but it's better than alcohol in my opinion. I've injected morphine and heroin and it feels similar after 5-10 mins of injection.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93061
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Dec 13, 2015Views: 24,831
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Pharms - Tianeptine (466) : Medical Use (47), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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