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So Far So Good
Citation:   Smiley. "So Far So Good: An Experience with DHEA (exp92613)". Apr 24, 2017.

25 mg oral DHEA (pill / tablet)
As I've been aging I've noticed a slowly diminishing level of energy and libido, a common and expected discouraging aspect of life. But being a firm believer in better living through chemistry, I knew that sooner or later I would give DHEA a shot.

I decided now was the time to begin a booster regimen. I've occasionally employed 10mg Cialis in the past with satisfying results, but not only are they expensive, I don't feel quite ready to depend on them for a Louisville Slugger every time up at bat. So, I tipped into a local store and bought a bottle of 25mg DHEA tablets.

At one a day, I noticed a distinct boost to my overall energy inside of about three or four days, that I was feeling far more relaxed in general, and also more driven - an odd but welcome pairing. Additionally, inside of a week, I had definitely experienced more of a sex drive than I'd had in months, maybe years. My zeal for sex soared, and my functionality definitely improved. Orgasms clearly enhanced, not only in sensation but volume, a nice plus.

Every few days I double down on the dose to see if there will be any distinguishable difference. So far that's been negligible, but I'm pleased that none of the side effects have happened yet either - no acne, no headaches. Just a little extra spring in my step, a few extra miles on the bike, and an easier and more rewarding sex life. At some point I'll cease this regimen, see how the state of the union is without it.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92613
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 41
Published: Apr 24, 2017Views: 2,805
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DHEA (171) : Performance Enhancement (50), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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