Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
SSRIs Make It Virtually Impossible to Trip
Escitalopram, Peyote & Mushrooms
Citation:   Franklinster. "SSRIs Make It Virtually Impossible to Trip: An Experience with Escitalopram, Peyote & Mushrooms (exp92296)". May 11, 2017.

20 mg oral Pharms - Escitalopram (daily)
    oral Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens  
    oral Mushrooms  
    oral Peyote  
I have tripped on LSD, mushrooms many times in the past, when I was not on an SSRI. Never had any problem with usual doses experiencing typical effects.

Since starting on Lexapro about two years ago, I have tried to trip many times without effect. I ate large batches of mushrooms that would certainly have caused me to trip in the past with little or no effect.

This was getting really annoying. I tried various dose escalation programs, seeing how much it would take to get me to trip, and eventually realized that it would be a huge amount.

Finally, I recently took the following, after not having tried in a long time (6 months). Note: It's a HUGE amount of psychedelics. Don't try this at home.

Psilocybin/Psilocin, weighed and used table of average concentrations -
In the form of Copelandia Cyanescens, 198 mg psilocybin/psilocin
In the form of Psilocybe Tapajeros, 18.4 mg psilocybin/psilocin

Total psilocybin/psilocin: 234 mg

Mescaline, in the form of Lophophora williamsii cactus, eaten - about 400 mg mescaline

So there we have it, 234 mg of Psilocybin (big dose-40 mg), and 400 mg of mescaline (big dose-300 mg). So hitting my psyche with a sledgehammer - is it enough to trip?

Well, it was, sort of. At the peak of the experience, I was tripping reasonably well. I had about 45 minutes where I was fully satisfied that I was tripping and I found the experience very psychologically helpful, as I usually do. Then it tapered off.

I tried to do it again 3 days later with similar doses and felt virtually nothing whatsoever.

At any rate, it is extremely clear to me that the SSRI is preventing me from tripping.

I have tried holding the SSRI for 2-3 days before the trip and this didn't help. I held it for 2 days before the above trip.

I think in the future, I will need to taper the SSRI down to zero over a period of a few weeks and be completely off the drug for a few weeks before trying a normal dose again.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92296
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: May 11, 2017Views: 2,841
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Pharms - Escitalopram (304) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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