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Good Chemical Very Stoned Mild Psychedelic
Citation:   selfassuredfrequency. "Good Chemical Very Stoned Mild Psychedelic: An Experience with JHW-122 (exp91875)". Jul 15, 2011.

  smoked JWH-122 (powder / crystals)
JHW-122 is a pretty potent JHW, at doses of 3-5mg it will get me pretty stoned. I come up a little slow at first, but then it slams me. It has a strong body buzz and with a minor trippy/psychedelic effect. At higher doses such as 5-6mg the psychedelia increases. CAUTION: It does increase my heart rate quite a bit, and can give me minor tremors/twitching. People have reported seizures at high doses of 018 and 122.

There are a few JHWs that can be tested for, got caught on probation smoking certain spices or analogs 122, 018, am2201, and a few others are testable for.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91875
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2011Views: 5,111
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JWH-122 (546) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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