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The Value It Has
by Rey
Citation:   Rey. "The Value It Has: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp91705)". Apr 30, 2020.

20 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  5 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
With every drug, people have told me that there are many consequences. My addiction towards oxycodone has helped my relationship with people, music, and especially my writing. As Hunter Thompson says, 'I don't recommend using drugs to anyone, but it's always worked for me'.

I am only 16 years old. I am also an opiate addict. My grandmother is prescribed generic Percocet without acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Keep in mind, she only uses one or two a day and is prescribed 250 a month. I have been mentally addicted to oxycodone for 11 months. I say mentally addicted for staying within the 5-20mg range of dosage, withdrawal stays to a minimum of sweating and headaches.

Because of the method of how oxycodone is absorbed by the body, any kind of preparation of the drug works quite well. I will describe my last dose which was about 20 minutes ago. Keep note this is not a how-to guide. I am under the influence of the drug as I type.

I grabbed 4 tablets from my stashing box and swallowed three. I then insulfatted another 5mg tablet. The effects after 20-30 minutes are quite present. Although it is a rarer symptom from what I read, my eyes sometimes cross. I cannot read well while on this drug, but writing is not a problem. The euphoria effects of this drug, for me is a pulsating feeling from my chest, outwards throughout my body. All my problems are gone, I do not care about anything. How I dress, people's reaction's etc. I feel as if opiates soothe down the caring part of my brain (that's the easiest way I can explain it). My body is itching, as with other opiates as well. While the weather is nice out, and warm, my body is increasingly warm. Warm enough as if I wouldn't neat a going in the cold. Clumsiness is somewhat apparent.

Everything at my reach is now much funner. Things I would not care for are pleasant. All pain is gone, I feel like a master. I am probably not at my peak yet. I feel like god, jesus, a deity. Another odd symptom is idea flow. Everything is clearer now, which is why I enjoy writing while under the effects.

Nothing ever happens in this junk world. It's always the same. Once I sober up, I will feel as if nothing happened and have the desire to use it again. I have acquired enough self control, despite my addictive personality to not use it again. If I used four more, my tolerance would already be too high. The effects would be sparce to say the least. Tolerance on oxycodone is rapid!

I am listening to The Velvet Underground. It is my favorite. What I am typing may not make sense, which bothers me when I am sober. I feel as if my brain is now in the 'ALTERNATIVE POSITION' of my brain. Ignore what I say. I am probably not thinking correctly. But everything is OK. It will only take a day for my tolerance to be low enough so my euphoria and effects will be high.

There is no such thing as a bad 'trip' for me on opiates. Let a lone an actual trip. Some users report an insomnia and energy heighetening on oxycodone specifically. This is not entirely true. It is only that I DO NOT CARE about doing a task, and that is why some users will perhaps perceive it as an energy boost. Sleeping is comfortable and easy.

I open 'Naked Lunch' by William S. Burroughs. His words speak only as a passage of god in the junk world. I stare at the screen, in a haze of comfort and relaxation. It will all be over soon I think.

I'm feeling good, I'm feeling oh so fine. Tomorrow that may not be true, but that's just some other time.
I'm feeling good, I'm feeling oh so fine. Tomorrow that may not be true, but that's just some other time.
And smack, it hits me again. Oxycodone is a powerful drug and should not be considered small compared to M or H because of it being an opioid. It is the best opiate I have tried out of oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, codeine.

Addiction should be cured by an actual drug. I do not believe psychological therapy is correct for such a disease. I have tried. Although as I said, physical addiction is not apparent with low doses. Consider me lightweight.

I have a small drip in the back of my throat. I ignore it, because I am so used to the taste on my tongue and throat when ingesting the drug. I love the taste of oxycodone.

My junk metabolism is cured. I think to myself 'No need to worry about a urine analysis, oxycodone does not metabolize into morphine'. I receive lab tested urine analysis and oxycodone does not show up on them even a day after using oxycodone. This is certainly the most painfree and perfect drug for my body. I have no nausea, even with higher doses with this drug. I have tried dexamphetamine, the opiates listed above, cannabis indica, alcohol, and alprazolam. I ALWAYS come back to oxycodone. It is like being in heaven.

I am also much more social when on oxycodone. I have gathered friends from the benefits of using this drug. I suffer from anxiety and major depression. Percocet has definitely cured both. I have had opprotunities to use oxycodone these past 2 weeks, and I have not merely because it was whatever. It wasn't needed. I am an addict, yes, but it's not that hard with practice of self control. Keep in mind, this was my first dose of oxycodone specifically in two weeks.

I am happy. I am finally happy. Well, I'm going to game. I am worried that people will read this thinking its the best to use and that they should. This is only how MY BODY AND MIND takes the drug. Others may not be so lucky. I am speaking of oxycodone positively true, but I have also seen the negative effects of opiate use, boy have I.

Exp Year: 2010-2011ExpID: 91705
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Apr 30, 2020Views: 2,691
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Addiction & Habituation (10), Glowing Experiences (4), Not Applicable (38)

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