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Rectal Anal Dosing Plugging Technique
Citation:   bulb syringe. "Rectal Anal Dosing Plugging Technique: An Experience with Buprenorphine (exp89458)". Feb 8, 2018.

2 mg rectal Pharms - Buprenorphine
After several years dosing orally and spitting, disgusted with the taste of the orange pills, embarrassed by the occasional stains on my teeth and bored with the time the subs take to dissolve properly, I started experimenting with rectal dosing. Any mucus membrane will do, so why deal with the taste and sitting around with it under my tongue? I was concerned about wasting the $6 pill, and It took some experimenting to get it really right – (I found that plunger syringes did not work as the nozzle isn’t long enough, and the pill needs to be dissolved in some water first) - but I knew right away that it works, maybe even better than oral dosing, at least for me.

The method/kit I finally settled on and which I have been using for years now is this: a 1oz bulb syringe, a small container with a lid and some K-Y jelly. Sometime after evacuating my bowels, (this is important, I don’t want to let the dose go too quickly!) I will dissolve the pill in a very small amount of water – a tablespoon or less. In a few minutes, after it is completely dissolved, I suck the liquid into the bulb syringe and lube it. I lie face down if I can or just bend way over on one hand and squirt it up there completely. I withdraw the syringe without releasing it, keeping it squeezed. I have to rinse the lube off my butt and the bulb syringe afterwards but other than that it’s quite clean and effective. Not for everyone of course but it can be done. The bulb syringe I’m referring to is a small rubber ball (usually blue) with a very thin nozzle sold for cleaning earwax and such in almost every pharmacy. It’s harder to do ‘on the go’ than oral dosing, but I prefer it so much that I will always go to the trouble.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 89458
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 42
Published: Feb 8, 2018Views: 5,263
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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