Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Jesus Christ
Citation:   kirbz. "Jesus Christ: An Experience with JWH-018 (exp89394)". Dec 12, 2013.

  repeated oral JWH-018
    repeated smoked JWH-018
I had heard about JWH-018 on the internet, and had been interested in trying it for a while. After reading about it one day I decided to see if I could get my hands on some. I ordered a gram. When I first got it, I tried it out by sticking my fingers in the bag and licking off the powder stuck to my fingers. Within half an hour, I was pretty stoned, just from licking off a few finger coatings, and it was pretty enjoyable.

Probably the main strength of JWH is how little it takes to get high, with smoking just a pinch or two getting me about as stoned as a bowl to the dome. I had a good time with the stuff in the next few weeks, finding that smoking in a bowl with paper in the hole worked well, although licking my fingers clean after packing a bowl helped.

Then one night my friend 'Rob' told me about a concert that his friend's band was playing. It was 10 bucks to see 6 death metal bands, so I decided to go. We met up with a couple other friends of the band member who also went to our college, and they, Rob, and I headed out. The concert was in Pomona, so we took the train to Fullerton where there was a ride arranged to pick us up. We ate dinner and before getting in the car I smoked a bowl, which was enough to get me pretty high.

About 20 minutes into the cramped car ride, I mentioned how big the moon was and they realized I was high. They were a bit confused about the directions, so we stopped at a supermarket to regroup and I smoked another bowl, and I think the two guys who were going to the concert with us smoked one too. By the time we got there a few hours later (we'd left campus at about 5 and by now it was almost 9) everyone wanted some except Rob, so I had another bowl and shared a couple more with our ride and her boyfriend (don't remember their names).

We went inside the venue to see the concert, it was the Glass House in Pomona, a small place, with not that big a crowd, and the bands were amateurs that looked like they were mostly in high school. Pretty soon Rob wanted to smoke, so I went out and we both had another bowl. I was totally blasted by this point and loving the music. Most of the night is a blur but I remember going out and smoking twice more with the two guys from our school. At some point later in the night, I went out to smoke again with Rob. We were sitting there and each smoked a bowl when a 40ish year old drunk guy walked up and asked to join in. He was too drunk to get that we weren't exactly smoking weed, and kept going on about how he'd spent $50 on beer to get that drunk because it's legal and weed isn't. Anyway, all three of us smoked another two bowls each. Rob was sitting there in outer space unresponsive, and the guy kept going on about how he smoked 3 chronic blends a day and the shit we gave him still fucked him up. He eventually wandered off, and Rob and I went back in to listen to more music.

At this point I was as fucked up as I've ever been. Rob was totally blazed off 3 bowls, and at this point I'd had 8 or 10, I don't quite remember. More importantly, I'd been licking my fingers all night, after packing each bowl, which we'd gone through probably 25 all together. It was probably like adding in another 5 bowls to the equation. I was standing there loving the music, feeling waves of pleasure rock through me like the ocean, and while I was standing there with my face in my hands I totally lost it. I started to see Jesus in the death metal band. He was standing there talking to me, and I was muttering a conversation with him. He told me that he loved me and wanted me to be happy, and I felt his love, it was absolutely amazing. All this time there was physical pleasure rushing through my body like a strong orgasm every few seconds. At one point the band stopped playing, and I lost Jesus, which was horrifying. They started playing again and thankfully he came back. He told me that drugs were my way of finding god, his gift to man, and I became completely convinced that he was truly there and I was close to him (I had been an atheist). As the show started to wrap up, he told me that he would come back and see me again much later and that I had to keep the faith.

Anyway, when the show ended the four of us got a ride back to campus from Rob's friend, thankfully in a minivan. All four of us were too stoned to have a reasonable conversation for the car ride home. We stopped at In n Out and I had a burger. I also ordered a milkshake, but forgot that I had, and when I tasted the cup that I thought was water I was convinced that Jesus had turned my water into a milkshake. Everything past when we left the concert is pretty much a blur to me. Apparently I spent the whole car ride blabbering to Rob about how Jesus loved him and about how he was the Pharaoh. He's more of an atheist than I ever was, and he says I almost converted him.

Once we got to campus we stopped and bought some candy, and it was apparent I couldn't make it home on my own so I went to Rob's apartment to crash on his couch. I don't remember anything but at some point in the night I puked a lot, all over Rob's floor. He led me over to the kitchen, and I vaguely remember leaning over the sink, horribly nauseous and wanting to die. I threw up more in the sink at some point. I was apparently standing there for hours, and I don't know when I managed to get back
to the couch and fall asleep.

I woke up some time the next afternoon, and Rob was still asleep and his roommate was gone so I wandered out. At this point I was back in the real world, although I was still a bit high for a few hours after that and my brain was extremely foggy all day.

This was probably the best drug experience I've ever had and the worst at the same time. My experience at the concert was amazing and though I've tripped a few times since I've never felt anything really like that. But nothing else I've ever done made me as sick, I really wanted to die from what I remember of the sink. And poor Rob had to clean up my puke, I would've really been in trouble without him. I've smoked JWH a few times since and I really think it's a good drug, just in moderation, it may feel like it but it isn't weed and an overdose can be really bad.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89394
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 12, 2013Views: 5,554
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JWH-018 (483) : General (1), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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