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Do Not Cross the Line
Citation:   Netcrusher. "Do Not Cross the Line: An Experience with 2C-I (exp88890)". May 27, 2020.

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40 mg oral 2C-I
I took 40 mg of 2C-I in the car with 2 friends who also took the same dose level. I was in an ok mindset and was looking forward to dancing because the last time I tripped on 2C-I it felt close to a MDMA high that lasted longer. It was amazing.

To my shock - this turned out to be worst than any LSD bad trip - I felt like I was an imitator trapped in a massive cycle of birth and rebirth.
I felt like I was an imitator trapped in a massive cycle of birth and rebirth.
After 1.3 hours it really hit me - I felt like I was ' all that there was' and the *souls* of every person around me had left. It was like I was looking at myself and that was horror. I could not understand why I felt like I was GOD and super-consciousness was real. I am someone who is so objective about these issues YET it honestly felt like I was in an illusion created by the SELF that is not GOD because IT has no-one to look to for recognition of itself.

Now the visuals to go with this insight was out of this world. With the stars and with humans - they were both so out of this reality. There was such an overwhelming sense that I was a fiction designed to protect myself from going mad/insane as without all the 'humans' the self would be alone and insane by the very thought of its own audacity, and naturally the thought it was alone. BEING ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE IS THE BIGGEST MIND FUCK TERROR THERE IS - warning. The fear of nothingness was so strong - it was a warning. This GOD/force came from nothing and that is why it can never continue forever as something.

I was then shown a breakdown of 'time fluctuation' that has turned my life upside down. Words can not do it - but it was a time loop/ bit-data breakaway that showcased that it is all mapped out and that we are on the verge of knowing this horrible truth. I LOVE ME - as there is only I - there are no others - I can not understand why I had such a mystic experience.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88890
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: May 27, 2020Views: 59
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2C-I (172) : Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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