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3 Weeks Clean Before Dosing
Buprenorphine & Naloxone
Citation:   Kinoko. "3 Weeks Clean Before Dosing: An Experience with Buprenorphine & Naloxone (exp88697)". Sep 28, 2018.

4 mg oral Pharms - Buprenorphine
  1 mg oral Naloxone
Many people may try to tell you it's impossible to get high on Suboxone, however this is not true. I had been doing about 1.5 G of black tar heroin a day for months, and some amount of heroin for a few years. I then quit cold turkey. Even after my withdrawals subsided I had intense cravings for opiates.

After being clean for 3 weeks I found myself digging through everything I own looking for something I could get high off of. I ended up finding a half of an 8mg Suboxone that I didn't realize I had.

So it's 6AM and I took the Suboxone. About a half hour I start to feel that warmth that feels like a blanket is being wrapped around my body AND my brain. As I knew it would it became stronger and stronger over the next 90 minutes or so. Honestly this was the best high I have ever felt in my life. It was incredibly strong, but unlike heroin I didn't nod out. My eyelids still felt heavy, but it wasn't hard staying awake.

About 4 hours after peaking I started to feel it wearing off. This process was not a quick one though. Basically I floated down from my peak like a feather throughout the day. By the time I went to bed that night, around midnight, I didn't really feel 'high,' but I did feel a subtle mental numbness. You know, that feeling where nothing can really bother you. It's kind of like feeling invincible.

When I woke up the next morning it had completely faded, but 4 MG for a full day being high was quite a bargain. At no point during this experience did I feel sick, or like I was TOO high. It was in my mind the perfect opiate experience.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88697
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Sep 28, 2018Views: 3,142
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265), Naloxone (339) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), Unknown Context (20)

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