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Mild & Satisfying
NItrous Oxide & Hydrangea
Citation:   experimantalist. "Mild & Satisfying: An Experience with NItrous Oxide & Hydrangea (exp86428)". Sep 18, 2016.

T+ 0:00
  inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 0:05   smoked Hydrangea (leaves)
A Mild High

I was hanging out with one of my friends one day when he told me about how Hydrangea leaves had effects similar to cannabis. I am a fan of any naturally occurring drug, so I was intrigued. We dried a few leaves in his oven, got some rolling papers and a lighter, and proceeded to an alley near his house. I knew about the cyanide in the leaves, so I didn't smoke much, but here is how the next thirty minutes played out:

0 mins - Rolling joint, still feel a little lightheaded from inhaling nitrous about three or four minutes ago.

1 min - Take my first hit. The taste is not as bad as some things that I've tried, and the smoke does not burn very much.

2 mins - Have lots of mucous. Still feel no effects.

3 mins - Start to feel loose. At this point the joint is all used up.

5 mins - Feel relaxed and euphoric.

7 mins - Cannot focus on anything. Colors seem slightly enhanced, everything is shiny, as if the world has been laquered.

10 mins - I am very calm. My friend finds some datura (we came back to the spot after the Hydrangea wore off, it definetely was datura), but we decide not to take any for a fear of ruining our buzz.

15 mins - Effects are wearing off.

20 mins - Still feel relaxed, but can see no difference in colors.

30 mins - I feel no effects at all.

All in all, Hydrangea provided a satisfying and moderate length high, but I want to research it a little more before I use it again.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86428
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 18, 2016Views: 2,888
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Hydrangea (635) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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