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Taken Off the Hook
Citation:   Inanutshell. "Taken Off the Hook: An Experience with JWH-018 (exp86382)". Jul 22, 2010.

10 mg smoked JWH-018
It's been quite a long while I've done anything notable. I even come across weed a few times in a year.

An old friend I've met suggested us to smoke some 'good weed' and I said 'yeah, whatever', due to our long years of time from the past.

We were very quick with smoking, it tasted quite like the usual but good stuff, whereas there was still a tiny plasticky feeling.

It was so fucked up in 10 minutes. I have never came across to a point of complete disorientation with many many experiences with this, that, those and whatever. This time, I was simply 'gone from myself' for some 15 minutes. I felt soo suspicious that this could have been a dream as well. Time dilation was so obvious, each minute feeling like 10 minutes for a while.

I could at least recover back to an identity and prevent any panic attacks within 15 minutes, but it was such a tough job.


Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86382
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jul 22, 2010Views: 8,786
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JWH-018 (483) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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