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Post-Recreational Paranoia
Citation:   Murphy. "Post-Recreational Paranoia: An Experience with JWH-018 (exp83451)". Erowid.org. Oct 14, 2010. erowid.org/exp/83451

T+ 0:00
  T+ 0:00     Vitamins / Supplements
  T+ 0:00   oral JWH-018
  T+ 2:00   oral JWH-018
  T+ 4:00   oral JWH-018
My 500mg of JWH-018 was mostly a white powder interspersed with the odd red chunk. I was in an ironical mood, bored and sceptical of the powder's potency. It was several months since I had smoked cannabis, but I wasn't compulsively trying to recapture the stoned feeling. There was no saying what this compound might do psychologically, if anything. In any case, serious side effects are unheard of as far as I know, and I trust my judgment in various states of extreme intoxication. I couldn't find any decent trip reports about eating 018, so I had the vague intention of writing one myself.

I had had some coffee and my usual high-dose B vitamin around t-2:00. I eyeballed a minute quantity of powder and ate it.

t+1:00- No results were noted.

t+2:00- I eyeballed a larger quantity and ate it.

t+3:00- No results were noted.

t+3:30- I went shopping. I found the grocery store irritating. Why do short people scurry around and block me so? Why can't I remember my own phone number?

t+4:00- Feeling no effects from the first two doses, I tripled the second dose and ate it.

t+6:00- I donned a heavy coat and packed into the passenger's seat of a friend's sedan. We lurched through miles of rush-hour traffic, disembarked, and negotiated crowded sidewalks. We made a brief warm stop at our destination, and set back onto the cold streets. The traffic thinned as the night grew colder, and the cars took on a cartoonish aspect. I began to fumble for words, and decided to dispense with language entirely. I felt stoned - the dry mouth, the slowing of time. In my mind I sat at a comfortable remove from the world's troubles. At this point, I no longer regarded the stuff as a complete disappointment.

t+7:30- Home and alone, my motor skills began to go the way of my speech. I amused myself briefly with a novel, but I couldn't follow the plot. I gave up. I felt a window of lucidity closing as the last dose began to take effect. I took advantage of the window to eat dinner and set myself up with some downtempo instrumental music for the hours ahead.

t+8:00- Having listened my fill of electronica, I headed off to bed. It was an exertion to maintain a straight course. My field of view was an unsteady constellation of shadows and angles, a Cubist rendering of the hall adjacent my bedroom. While I lay in bed, I was overwhelmed by the mounting visual chaos and shut my eyes. My sense of time broke down further. As I withdrew from normal sense perception, I began to imagine the worst eventualities, the ones I had neglected to think of, let alone prepare for.

I regard paranoid freak-outs as an amusing side-effect of cannabis consumption. An 018 freak-out is a different animal. The general fogginess and rapid shifting of attention are diminished. Instead of spinning a horror story for every odd bump in the night, I raced through an exploding space of conspiracy theories. Although lingering in the unlikely, my imaginings never exceeded the bounds of the possible. Once again I was overwhelmed, this time by ideas and relations of ideas. I abandoned my post and retreated to a still further remove, outside of my spinning head. Fatalism afforded me a vertiginous equanimity. I had to come down twice before I could get up to use the bathroom. Once, back into my head, twice, down into my body. I slept off the tail end.

I woke up the following morning with a bone-dry mouth and faint traces of a headache.

This substance partially imitates some of the effects of cannabis, but doesn't have the same inherent limitations. With 018, it is easy to go where seasoned stoners fear to tread. For me, going temporarily mad is an evening's entertainment. If that isn't to your taste, stick to low doses and allow for a four-hour onset when eating 018.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83451
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 14, 2010Views: 8,691
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JWH-018 (483) : Alone (16), General (1)

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