Life Changing, Universal
Citation: hot dogg. "Life Changing, Universal: An Experience with Cannabis (exp80944)". Jan 3, 2025.
1 hit | smoked | Cannabis |
BODY WEIGHT: | 68 kg |
A quick, little introduction on me (this has a lot to with the later experiences that I'm reporting now).
When I was younger I didn't to very well in school and my parents (and teachers) assumed I had A.D.D. or that I was hyperactive. I went to a psychiatrist when I was 14 or 15 and took some A.D.D. tests and the conclusion was that I didn't have A.D.D. nor I was hyperactive. I then took an IQ test, the psychiatrist explained the IQ numbers to me as follows; 0 being impossible (basically brain-dead), 10-35 being mentally retarded, 40-65 being Downs syndrome, 70-110 being normal (110 in the higher region) and everything above 110 very high; i.e. genius (Albert Einstein supposedly having been above 150 or so) and anything higher than the 200 region could cause mental problems.
Turns out, my IQ is 137. This was, as the psychiatrist put it: the explanation for my problems in school. The study material wasn't in the same range as me and it wasn't challenging enough, if I would've taken the test younger, I would've been moved up a few classes to an appropriate range.
After that I finished school and moved more towards the creative side of life, being a very creative person, I applied and got into the Iceland academy of the Arts at the age of 17 (you have to be 20 to get in).
So my theory on me is that my mind hasn't been 'boxed in' by society through the schools I was in when I was younger. I can feel that the boundaries of my mind are a lot wider than regular people.
I never did any drugs, I never drank alcohol and I never smoked cigarettes in my entire life (and still do), but I was willing to try weed on my 18th birthday (I didn't feel it).
I think I have lot of chemicals stored up in my brain and I'm very sensitive.
Cut to the chase.
This all happened in 2008 (January - September), I was 21 years old and me and my best friend (Val) made a pact that we would only smoke weed together and always without tobacco. I have a very sensitive mind and therefore I only need a little bit of weed to get really high.
One night, all of my closest friends came together at my girlfriend's apartment and decided to get magical together (that's what we call it). My best friend was there so the pact wasn't broken. We all went to my car and all puffed on a cherry flavored blunt. When I smoke I get this little bell sound in my head indicating I've had the perfect amount
When I smoke I get this little bell sound in my head indicating I've had the perfect amount
We all go back to the apartment and things start kicking in, we put on some awesome music and just dance and have fun. All the girls, along with my best friend, Val, decide to go to the kitchen to get something to eat, I had bought an apple cake in the daytime and they decided to eat it. Meanwhile I was in the living room listening to music and then got the brilliant idea to put Fela Kuti on (Nigerian Afro-Beat music from the 70's -all the songs are very repetitive and last for ca. 20 minutes each) and I started to dance to it. I closed my eyes and focused on the music.
Then pow! I was transported into the body of a black, African man, in a white gown, standing on white sand with his hands up in the air (forming a 'T'), surrounded by all these African women that were dressed in burgundy beaded clothing (like bikinis, sort of) and they were all dancing around me, it was like a ritual. I watched this from behind the African man and from his eyes, at the same time. I opened my eyes and I was back to the apartment and my friends were still churning down that apple cake. Wow.
This was, what I like to call it, the intro-stage to what was about to come.
A few months later (August; I always let at least one month pass in between getting magical, to keep it special) my best friend, Val, was moving to London for school so we decided to do it one more time before he left. Me, Val and his older brother went outside their house and got magical, we all went down to the basement and his older brother put on Roedelius (beautiful 70's Berlin-School, Kraut-Rock, space music) and we sit there and talk (and eat), the older brother goes to bed and me and Val stay up for a bit longer.
We are both very high, higher than the last time and we start talking about us and our friendship and we start crying and hugging each other. Then suddenly, with my eyes open, the whole room disappears and this beautiful image (very clean drawing) appears and I just stare at it. It was a very long street with two tall, light-grey buildings on each side (very New York) and at the end of the street is a thin sky, beautiful light-blue color and in the middle, on a golden traffic-island is a very delicate tree, solid brown starch and a huge, huge, huge set of leaves in all the most beautiful green colors in the world (green is my favorite color) and I just sit there and stare at it. Then suddenly I start getting multiple orgasms! Not physical, mental. The feeling in the mind of an orgasm and I get 16 of them, in a row. After that Val asks if I'm ok and I tell him everything and we decide to relax and watch a movie.
Fast forward to September/October.
Val moved to London and I have my own studio to work in, near the docks. Val gave me all his weed and I decide to get magical by myself, in my safe, comfortable little studio. The weed was a few different left-over bags, I just mixed it all together and made a tiny little joint, because I never need much. I go downstairs to the front door and puff it. I think to myself; 'hmm, how long does it usually take to kick in?' then as I finish the little joint, I lock the door and start walking up the stairs. Wow. I am so magical, I can't believe it, but I'm still here. Ok, get back to the studio. I get into my studio and lock that door too, I'm safe and this is going to be an adventure.
I immediately get the craving for Fela Kuti and I put it on, LOUD. I sit there in a chair, with the lights super low and I close my eyes, I start visualizing the music, I don't see the room I'm in. I'm in the music, I am part of it. A real-time music battle between me (the solo bongo/conga drums) and Fela's awesome 20-something man band begins, the view is sort of a slanted split-screen view with me in the lower left corner and Fela in the upper right corner. I start playing as fast and as well as I can on the bongos, he replies with huge, overwhelming horn section stabs and then I reply with even faster bongo drumming and he mocks it 'ooh, wow' and replies with a bigger reply. Then suddenly the bongos transform, with this glowing light, into a saxophone! That's a great tool for expression. The stage blows up when I start playing the sax masterfully, they all wow and cheer and reply with a similar melody and then we all play together, unified.
I listen to more Fela Kuti and for example, one song is a drum battle, I take the seat as the drummer and start drumming intensely. For 16 minutes straight and I could see it all in real-time.
Then I slowly come down from it and the room I'm in starts to come back, then the real big awe comes.
My father is a lover of Jazz, he loves it with his heart, body, mind and soul. He understands it. In the studio, I get the awesome idea of listening to Jazz. I put none other than Miles Davis on (Bitches Brew, the whole sessions) and bam! it's like a new level.
Everything is black and there is a huge, yellow and turquoise door in front of me. It opens and invites me in. Inside the room, which is completely black are all the instruments (almost cartoon-drawn) floating in the air and each instrument playing, has a stream of notes coming out of it, which at a point, transform into words! I could understand everything they were saying, clear as rain. I float through the black room for a while and then something weird and astounding happens.
A feeling of a voice (no sound) comes from somewhere and says to me: 'Jazz, as a genre was created only for this moment, for you. This is an example of how big this is; the universe. Jazz has been alive for nearly 100 years, only for this one experience, for you. If you ever want to communicate with your Father (that was the name of the 'higher-power') just listen to Jazz.' Then, the blackness around me starts drawing apart (like a curtain) but at an 45° angle in a lot of places and I see planet Earth. I'm in space. I get transported to this beautiful red, glowing, HUGE galaxy and I'm hovering over it, but the thing is; I'm not me anymore, I'm a part of EVERYTHING, I'm a see-through smoke, which isn't smoke, it's not there, but it's there and I hover slowly over the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my entire life; the universe.
Then in a distance a small glow comes towards me, slowly it floats to me. I make out what it is, it's a wooden door-stopper (you know, the thing below the door, on the floor the threshold) and it's rotating slowly towards me. The feeling of a voice, the 'no-sound' voice says to me; 'if you go over that threshold, you will lose your mind forever'.
I come down, into my body and realize what just happened. Wow!
I go to the bathroom and am shocked to see what I find in the mirror.
I am covered in tears, drool and snot.
This was real.
At that moment, it changed my life forever.
I told my friend about this, who's practicing meditation and he told me that what I experienced was an Out-Of-Body-Experience.
Every single day, I think about that beautiful place. The cosmos, the universe. I have to get back there and so far getting magical hasn't gotten me there, so I'm considering something more extreme like DMT or mushrooms. The thing is, now that I've experienced this, I feel ready for those methods which I never wanted to try before.
Exp Year: 2008 | ExpID: 80944 |
Gender: Male | |
Age at time of experience: 21 | |
Published: Jan 3, 2025 | Views: 38 |
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