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A Skeptical Person Pleasantly Surprised
Citation:   Mike O.. "A Skeptical Person Pleasantly Surprised: An Experience with JWH-018 (exp80731)". Aug 21, 2009.

2 mg smoked JWH-018 (powder / crystals)
    smoked Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (dried)
I tried a couple of “herbal smokes” that were allegedly laced with JWH-018. I liked them a lot, and I figured I could save money by buying the chemical itself. I ordered 2g from an online U.S. vendor, and the package came within a week. I’d heard varying reports on what JWH should look like; some say brown, some say white. Mine was a quite brilliant white.

I bought a Chinese milligram scale on ebay and measured out 2mg of JWH on it. It was a very small crystalline piece, slightly smaller than the head of a pin. The scale was cheap, so it’s hard to say if it was exactly 2mg or not, but hey, it was probably close. I stuck it in a $20 vaporizer (also from ebay) and fired it up. Nada. The vaporizer was obviously designed for plant material, and was such that I couldn’t get the JWH close enough to the heating element for vaporization.

At first I was ticked off, thinking I got some bogus JWH. Then, I decided to try something else. I stuck some blue lotus (which is, as far as I’m concerned, an inert material) into a small wooden pipe along with 2mg of the JWH. I took four hits, and got quite stoned. Very much like MJ, but somewhat shorter acting – I was back to baseline in about an hour and a half. Definite body stone; it was difficult to do anything other than sit on the couch.

Buying the JWH itself is much cheaper than going with the “herbal smoke blends.” But, from what I hear using too much can lead to a very bad experience. So, invest in a mg scale as well and you’ll still come out ahead.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80731
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Aug 21, 2009Views: 17,569
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