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My Body Got Up and Walked By Itself
Syrian Rue & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   David . "My Body Got Up and Walked By Itself: An Experience with Syrian Rue & Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp79944)". Feb 23, 2011.

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2.4 g oral Syrian Rue (tea)
  13 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (ground / crushed)
Some brief background info: I have only ever consumed wild mushrooms picked in the Northern New South Wales coastal hinterland region (Australia) I believe these mushrooms to be Psilocybe cubensis. They are the only variety that I know and the potency seems to be milder than that which I mostly see reported therefore the dosages that I quote will seem dangerously high but they are not.

The following is a reasonable guide to the potency of the only magic mushroom that grow in this area. Dry weight 5 grams = mild trip, good for bushwalking and socializing. 9 grams = medium strength trip, good visuals + ecstatic mood elevation. 13 grams = strong trip experience but not an heroic dose (see the following report)

At 6am 2.4 grams of Syrian rue seeds that had been ground to a powder and boiled into a tea were consumed the taste was very bitter but quite tolerable.

Note A: It is my theory that boiling the ground seeds separates or partially isolates the Harmaline from the Harmine. Harmine being the desirable alkaloid MAOI and Harmaline being more responsible for the nausea and also confusing and disturbing thought patterns and visuals.

Note B: It seems to be very important the find the correct dosage of Syrian rue for each individual. MAOI potentiation seems to occur or not and potentiation is not increased by greater dosages of rue rather the trip becomes confusing and disturbing and one gets sick.

The rue was consumed in my back shed at 6am. I then weighed out 13 grams of dry Cubensis and used my coffee grinder to turn them into a fine powder (so easy 10 seconds does it) I then tipped the powder into a tall plastic container and added some ice coffee milk which was then blended up with a stick mixer. My wife drove me to an isolated scenic location not far away and left me there. I found a good spot and consumed the beverage completely at 6:45am. The taste was quite decent.

The sun was just rising and I sat facing it resting against a tree, I was cold but very hopeful. Within 15 minutes I was experiencing lovely CEVs in very bright orange psychodelic colours. I put on some music and really got into the groove. I experienced a lot of personal thoughts, insights and memories. I decided to give specific large sums of money away (and I will follow through with this).

At about T+ 1:30 I reached “the moment” I would like to call it the peak but with the addition of Syrian Rue the peak lasts for about 2 and half hours. At the beginning of this crescendo “moment” guess what happened? Three radio-controlled aircraft came and zoomed all around me it was simply spectacular to behold their flight antics. Their coming lead me to conclude and now in my sobriety I maintain this belief that: The magic mushroom experience opens a door, perhaps a spiritual door where the events that unfold are indeed greater than my mind, some “other” comes and this “other” has prearranged all circumstances. A person who has never had a psychodelic experience would read this and say “nah man your just on drugs” but wait there is more please read on.

I called my wife to come and see the aircraft. She came but at the moment that I saw her car in the distance I was struck with madness. I got up and ran to her (it was a fair distance) but I left all my things behind. Upon meeting her I became clumsy and stupid and I had to run back for my things and then return. I was wanting to share the planes and my enlighten state of mind with her but they both went away and I was a bumbling fool (She did see the planes for a couple of minutes, I didn’t imagine them). She drove me home and left me there as she had to go out. I was feeling like I had been a great disappointment to her (oh my stupid husband is on drugs again).

I sat on the toilet for a while feeling depressed. It took great effort but I made myself get up and go to bed I saw my mp3 player (the one that I had had with me in the field) so I turned it on. It started playing the book of revelation chapter 1. I had put that on there because I thought it would be trippy. You may not believe what I am about to tell you but I assert with all my heart and soul that this is true, this is how it happened and my memory of yesterdays events is clear.

The book of revelation as narrated by Max Mclean resounded in my mind. My minds imagination was vivid and I saw the events described taking place. It became too much for me to handle so I turned it off and reeled from the intensity……………And then…………..He came. My body got out of bed; it stood upright and raised its head my arms raised up. My voice resonated with authority and commanding strength and clarity. He spoke. He said. “I am the Lord your God and there is no other, do not look for another because there isn’t anything else to find, I am the only one. I have decreed that you shall obey me, you shall obey my Christ. You and all those that are yours shall indeed stand before me in righteousness for all eternity. I have opened the door and no one can close it there is no possible way that you will miss it because I have decreed it from before the foundation of the world. These are the things that I do and I do not forsake them”.

He walked through out my house, He knew that I was worried that my neighbours might hear, He stood in front of my big windows and looked out at my neighbours working in their garden. He commanded that they would not hear or see or in any way witness this oracle taking place. He commanded that my wife and kids would not return home whilst this is taking place. He raised my hands and prophesied that my front bushes (recently severely pruned back) will flourish and become beautiful and that I shall behold their beauty and I shall know that He alone is God. He went to my back windows and prophesied over my little vegetable seedlings that they shall produce food in abundance. He told me that I should not ever worry about contraception again for He has opened my wife’s womb and in due course He will close it again bringing forth as many as He wills. He shall give desire and take it away. He told me that every decision that I make in my entire life has been written from before the foundation of the world and that there is no possible way that I can go astray for He has decreed and commanded that it be so. He told me that He would impart to me all manner of learning and wisdom in this life. He told me that my house will sell for a handsome price and that no evil will ever befall me or any of mine.

He commanded that my wife is never ever to bring our children into my presence if to her knowledge her husband is under the influence of any drug except alcohol in this matter she is commanded to obey the voice of the Lord and to disobey her husband. He personally guarantees that she will obey Him in this matter. He told me that He would teach me his ways and that with all loving kindness, compassion and self-control I will care for and nurture my family over which He has established me as Lord. He told also that He would reveal to me all of His of His glory, withholding none of it from me, yet there would always be more of Him to discover.

He then said “The Lord has spoken and now he ceases to speak, you now may not trust the words of you mouth or the thoughts of your mind”. And at once I was me again altogether lesser than the moment before and I was in awe.

This is a true account and I would not like to include any of my own conclusions but rather let it speak for itself and let other’s draw their own conclusions. I have taken photos of the bushes and seedlings. I guess that once I have the spectacular after shots this account will become more powerful.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 79944
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 23, 2011Views: 740
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66), Syrian Rue (45) : Alone (16), Mystical Experiences (9), Combinations (3)

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