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Happy And Invulnerable
Citation:   Anonymous. "Happy And Invulnerable: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp75157)". Erowid.org. Nov 16, 2017. erowid.org/exp/75157

40 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
It is now 1:30 in the morning on November 19, 2008 and I popped one 40 milligram oxycontin about 10 minutes ago that I got from a good friend, Chainsaw (sweet name right). I have a great mindset going in to this upcoming event, I’m watching ufc and playing arcade games, so I’m pumped for a pretty fun and extreme experience. I’ve heard from others that it was a fun, yet risky experience but I always look up and down every fact of any drug I have ever taken. So far I’m feeling a little light-headed or dizzy (in a good way) and it is now 1:40. I also have not eaten anything so I’m on an empty stomach so we’ll see how that plays out further along in the high.

Well, quite a bit of time has elapsed it is now 3:15. I have had quite a few good conversations with a couple people I just met online. They were more deep than usual conversations that I have with people, possibly due to the oxy, but I feel happy and invulnerable to anything. The feeling I have right now kind of reminds me of that part in the movie “Blow” when Johnny Depp is having the coke tested to see how pure it is and the guy says “I can’t feel my face.” It is also very difficult to walk, yet such a fun task to forego! I am enjoying my time very much right now, I was always skeptical of doing oxycontin because of the high risks it can have, but now that I have tried it and can keep an understanding to regulate use to a limited amount then I think it is one of the most fun and interesting experiences I’ve had yet.

It is now (5:07) and so far the come-down has been pretty easy. It hasn’t left me with any unpleasant feelings or anything.

I’m basically completely sober now and it is (7:00). That was my experience on oxycontin, very pleasant, no stomach aches, had a sense of euphoria and overall happiness throughout the entire high, and I hope to do it again in the near future.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75157
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 16, 2017Views: 2,586
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