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The Best Worst Trip of My Life
Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora)
Citation:   Rosstafarian. "The Best Worst Trip of My Life: An Experience with Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) (exp72472)". Feb 20, 2018.

2.5 g oral Syrian Rue (seeds)
  2.5 g oral Mimosa tenuiflora (rootbark)
I first weighed five grams of Syrian rue which would be enough for me and Jordon. I put the rue along with a lemon in a pan. The lemon was to aid the efficiency of the harmaline extraction. We used summer fruits cordial to try to mask the bitter astringent taste. We consumed this at approx ten past eight whilst waiting for the MAO inhibition to take effect I prepared the Mimosa root bark.

I put 20 grams of mimosa hostilis in the pan shredded. I added one lemon and kept it on a rolling boil for 20-30 minutes. I strained this mixture and added more water to the root bark. I repeated this three times to make sure all the alkaloids were extracted. The resulting liquid was dark red with purple overtones it smelt just like DMT when it was cooking
it smelt just like DMT when it was cooking
which warned me this could be a very potent brew.

I thought 20 grams of root bark would be enough for both of us. Being very cautious I decided to take this in split doses 5 grams followed by another 5 grams. I had drunk half the liquid equivalent to 2.5 grams of root bark. It tasted bad but not as bad as I had imagined no big deal. I sure didn’t think 2.5 grams could have been as hellish as it turned out to be.

I felt the need to purge more than ever it was very similar to sea sickness. I purged and felt better for 10 seconds then slipped into it again. I had a bad trip I think due to the physiological problems at the time and the saponins frothing up. When I vomited the first time loads of foamy vomit came up. And again this stuff was relentless I had vomited so much my abdominal muscles ached. The visuals seem very real not like LSD things glow with energy and my vision is so sharp it looks like it could implode. I go very deeply into thoughts so much so they become real this can be quite overwhelming. I was in more pain than I’ve ever been in my whole life my body ached.

I experienced ego death which led me to the idea to strip off and proclaim my humanness and how faulty I am and that nobody should expect that much because I am just like anyone else. I was desperately looking for reality I just wanted it to be over. It wasn’t enjoyable the visuals were illusive I could see fractals but not clear enough and the whole world had a nightmare quality to it. I had a revelation that because I’ve not been living the good life and taking drugs, not working, this is how I would feel before I die unprepared. I had the overwhelming feeling that I was dying and that it was my fault for being selfish. I really think the purging part of ayahuasca is a big part of the experience. It seems as though to really get rid of negative energy and the bad parts of the past you would rather forget, you need to release the negativity and purge it out. This experience tonight has made me realize how much I needed this type of experience to get my life back on track. I have been smoking far too much cannabis staying at home all the time. I lost connection to my family and friends much preferring stoned life to the harsh reality. Life is looking up now I have closed a few chapters of my life that needed sorting. In all it was a very positive experience.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72472
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 20, 2018Views: 2,180
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Huasca Combo (269), Syrian Rue (45), Mimosa tenuiflora (74) : First Times (2), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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