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A Great Time, a Great Drug
Citation:   griffith. "A Great Time, a Great Drug: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp71455)". Sep 23, 2020.

20 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
  10 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
First off, let me give you a little history of my drug use. I’ve experimented with a number of substances, including marijuana, cocaine, MDMA, morphine, and some other things, so I have a little bit of experience. Now recently by chance I happened to stumble onto a lot of Oxycontin. I got 800 mgs of Oxycontin, and I didn’t even have to pay any money for it (my mom’s a doctor). I had never tried oxy before, but I’ve heard and read a lot of good things about it before, so I was pretty excited to try it out.

On a late Sunday night, I decided I was going to crush two 10 mg Oxycontin pills and snort them up. I’ve heard that insufflating the oxy pills would bring the effects on quicker than taking them orally but the high would still last around 3 to 5 hours, and that is long enough for me. I broke the pills down into two lines, one going up my left nostril and the other into my right. Snorting the oxy was pleasant, it didn’t burn at all as it went up my nostrils. Immediately after snorting the lines I felt a sense of relaxation go all over my body. All thoughts escaped my mind for a moment, and I was feeling pretty good. I put on some relaxing music and decided I’d go talk to some friends on MSN. The oxy made me really talkative, and for the next hour and a half or so I had some really deep conversations with a couple of close friends. I noticed that all my social boundary’s were unlocked, all my reservations left me and I felt that had gotten a lot closer to the people I talked to.

At this point I was feeling a bit thirsty, so I went downstairs to get something to drink. Now, as I was walking down the stairs I felt the first wave of nausea and disorientation hit me. I didn’t really think much about it though. The nausea didn’t bother me at all. After I got something to drink, I went to the bathroom to vomit. The nausea completely went away after that, and I felt refreshed. At this point I decided to crush another 10 mg Oxy pill, and after snorting that I felt even better that I already did. I started to think about the job interview I was going to have the following morning. I felt really excited about the interview and somehow I knew that I was going to ace it. Oxycodone makes me feel really confident and self-assured, and that is also one of the reasons why I’ve come to like it very much.

After thinking about the job interview, I watched some TV and then went to bed. Trying to sleep on Oxycontin was very strange. I felt really sleepy and comfortable in my bed, but somehow I couldn’t actually fall asleep. For the next couple of hours I just laid in my bed thinking about all sort of things, before I finally dozed off. The next morning I didn’t feel any aftereffects at all, I actually felt wide awake and excited about my job interview. Just as I expected, the interview went great and I was hired.

I know that Oxycodone is very addictive, and I’ve decided that after every day of using it, I’ll lay off for at least three days. That way I won’t build up tolerance so quickly and I won’t get addicted to it (hopefully). All in all I had a great experience using oxycontin.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71455
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 23, 2020Views: 2,671
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Oxycodone (176) : First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Alone (16)

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