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Just Plain Reckless
Citation:   reckless CO. "Just Plain Reckless: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp67644)". Oct 17, 2020.

  repeated oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  .5 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (daily)
  8 mg oral Pharms - Buprenorphine (daily)
I am currently 19. I started smoking weed at 16 1/2 and didnt become a habitual user until I was 17 1/2. I've used Acid,X and shrooms all once and have no reason, thus far, to use again. I've had my fair share of cocaine, but dont enjoy other uppers. What drew me too opiates were there natual, healing feeling. Well I started experimenting with opiates at the begining of my senior year in high school. I was never injured in any way and never needed any opiates before. My neighbor and I discovered his grandma had an unlimited supply of 5 mg vicodin. So everyday he would cop at least 5 for us. The deal was I get the weed, or if I didnt have any-xanax, and he get us doped up. And it was THE BEST being high walking around my school, seeing the people id grown up with(whether I liked them or not)in a completely different MORE CONTENT and beautiful way. So I was talking to a girl id grown up with and she opens her purse, a full bottle of 20 mg oxys. I say to my friend Dman we gotta take advantage of this and buy as many as we can, this is the best drug ever. And so I soley opened the market for opiates.

It was great, I was high and it felt awesome no side effects. My tolerance never got too high, I could take 10-15 mg of vicodin for a good buzz and 10 mg of percocet. Eventually the summer came and I began too realize how much I needed the pills too feel 'nice.' So, I made sure I never went thru WD...I would bring out at least 10 7.5 mg percs out to my summer house for the weekend. Come college it was getting worse, on the drive up I was so nervous and anxious I could not wait to get there to blow oxy. I bought 8 40 mg oxys and a good amount of vicodin and percocet...thought thatd last me and id taper off, yea right....and I kicked my parents out of my dorm for a little so me , my roomate and dman could blow an OC...thtas how bad it got. Come mid year I was getting an 80 or two for my buddy and me practiclly everyday. Id wake up snort at least 15-30 mg of oxy, class's...late evening maybe meet up with friends do 10 mg and during the night id do 20 mg. Once, I went back to NY to cop cause I couldnt find shit. I came back with heroin and sold it all for 14 40 mg oc's....I almost never went through WD which was the bad thing..end of the year, May I go home and tell my doctor...I want to stop, I have too I couldnt go down that road and I have not since. I've been clean since april 07 its december 07 now. I'm on Suboxone 8mg and a half daily, plus clonazepam 0.5 mg once a day. Itst worked wounderfully and I have no regrets. I just feel bad for my friends who continue to use, especially heroin. Theyll never have their lives back or a productive one if they or anyone continues use...ill always love opiates, but I have the willpower and control...there is codiene syrup and vicodin in my house and I have not taken any, except for lockdown purposes hehhehehehehhehe

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67644
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 17, 2020Views: 710
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Oxycodone (176) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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