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Scary When Doc Finds Out!
Tylenol 3
Citation:   Diamondgirl. "Scary When Doc Finds Out!: An Experience with Tylenol 3 (exp5537)". Mar 8, 2001.

5 tablets oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
Well about five years ago after an operation I was given 120 tabs of tylenol 3. I got pretty addicted and started getting them from him on a regular basis- soon my doc found out and stopped my supply from him but didn't stop me. I started going to walk in clinics- eventually they noticed i came in alot and stopped giving them to me too- then i started going to dentists to get them and eventually they clued in too. The main problem is pharmacies. They all talk to each other and docs and dentists can put you on a list. Recently I had been calling on call doctors who call in prescriptions over the phone ( I can be pretty convincing ) and today it backfired. A doctor clued in and phoned my family doctor.

She told me that the doctor was going to call the police and didn't. She told me that everyone was on to me in the city and now i have no choice but to get off them. It really bites as it was better than drinking and I am really afraid of what my life will be like without them. I just wish I knew a way to get them without having to go through any more doctors, but I am just afraid of the police now getting involved. Believe it or not, I am a mother of one and have a great husband and own my own business and need this euphoric feeling as often as i can get it. I just don't think it fair for the doctors to decide what people should take and not take in regards to tylenol 3 as drinking is worse- in my opinion.

I wish i knew how to get them without it being illegal or immoral.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5537
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 8, 2001Views: 43,917
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Codeine (14) : Various (28), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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