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Salvia and Blue Lotus Tests
Salvia divinorum & Blue Lotus
Citation:   Madddshroom. "Salvia and Blue Lotus Tests: An Experience with Salvia divinorum & Blue Lotus (exp4935)". Jan 10, 2002.

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2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (dried)
    smoked Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea  

About two weeks ago I ordered an ounce of salvia D. and 20 grams of blue lotus extract (15x). And throughought this week I have been trying out these two ethnobotanicals. Mostly I have tried out the Salvia, and sometimes smearing the lotus extract on the Salvia leaves. What I have expierenced so far for me has not met up to my expectations. This is in part because everytime I try, I load up my bong and take I nice big hit (cashing the bowl) hold it for 20-25 seconds then I am hit by the effects of the salvia. But it is never enough to make me halucinate or even alter realities. Just enough to incapacitate me from taking another hit. And so what happens is usually I just expierence euphoria and feel close to the effect of being really really fucking stoned. One odd thing that occurs is I tend to think of my lighter cover (a very interesting native american art piece made of a blue and red stone) as a sentient and as my protector. but I have not expierenced any halucinations at all. And am always aware that I am where I am (just a bit uncooridinated) and after that I just pass out of exhaustion, and have lots of, and very interesting dreams. I wonder if this is just because I need a larger dose. In any rate I will smoke the rest of my ounce with friends and see if I build up a resistance. Then buy 5x treated leaves I guess.

My Blue lotus expirements haven't been that succesful either. The extract I bought was a black sticky substance. I really didn't know the best way to get it into my system. I tried smoking it in a regular pipe and a bong but it kept clogging up my screens and had little or no effect. So I tried smearing it on some aluminum foil and and putting a lighter underneath then inhaling the smoke that came off through a plastic tube. That seemed to work but the biggest effect I had was a somewhat stoned/opium feeling like feeling. I am soaking some in a glass of wine now (like the egyptians did) and will see how that works out.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4935
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2002Views: 796
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Salvia divinorum (44), Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (105) : General (1), Alone (16)

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