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Thin Line Between Love & Hate
Oxycodone (Percocet)
Citation:   Swanny. "Thin Line Between Love & Hate: An Experience with Oxycodone (Percocet) (exp42814)". Aug 31, 2007.

  repeated   Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
A close friend of mine had recently come into a prescription for 5 mg Percocet pills (oxycodone + acetaminophen), and she encouraged me to try it out. In the weeks following our first experiment with the pills, I tried the drug around three or four times in solitude, in the safety of my own home. The reactions I had varied between utter bliss and both physical and psychological distress. Here are my experiences.

The first time we tried Percocet, we thought it was a novel idea to break the pills up into chunks and smoke them off a sheet of aluminum foil. I'd seen the process done with harder drugs in the movies and thought it would be a cool experience. We held a lighter underneath and inhaled the sweet, burnt-sugary smoke through a pen tube. The experience was that of mild numbness and euphoria, but it was nothing to write home about, and all I was left with was a sore, irritated throat.

The second time, I tried it at home: I smoked one half of a pill before getting fed up with the sensation, so downed 1.5 pills with some water. I chewed the pills before swallowing them. The effect came on about forty minutes later, presenting itself at first as a great difficulty in walking. I found myself feeling a little addled, and when I rose, I nearly fell over. It was a fantastic feeling, and I was delighted with this new slowness and heaviness that came without any of the 'cotton-packed head' feeling of smoking pot.

The third time, I decided to up the dose, and took three 5 mg pills. That was my mistake: having reached a very good, very effective stage with two pills, I'd decided to one-up myself, and made myself feel very, very sick. I had come to the conclusion that I needed 3 because I had parachuted 2 pills and when they hadn't kicked in within an hour, I decided I hadn't taken enough. Of course, the first 2 kicked in immediately afterwards, and then the third took action about half an hour later. Previously, I'd felt the nausea usually associated with opioids, but had been much too euphoric to care. But on 15 mg total of oxycodone, I lost nearly all feeling in my lower limbs, found myself shaking violently from cold, felt my heart slow down considerably, and in my mental state thought I was on the verge of death.

I certainly felt miserable, with an intense nausea and unending tremors that disappeared only after I raised the room temperature to near-tropical levels. At one point I was sitting at a table and I started walking across my living room and simply fell to the floor. I couldn't get up; I just sat there with my legs splayed staring out the window, and I seemed so aligned with a pigeon across the street, and it seemed to be staring at me, and the entire universe seemed to be slowly circling this one pigeon, that I was breathtaken; only later did I realize how utterly ridiculous I was being.

The fourth time (today) I decided to have a safe, fun time and lowered my dose to 2 5mg pills once more. The experience was fun, though the nausea did strike, and the whole time I felt warm, content and very disoriented. It was a safe feeling, though. The most interesting thing about oxy is that there is a very distinct moment when it kicks in. For me today, on 10 mg total, it was exactly 2:09 P.M. when I felt the subtle yet distinct effects of the Percocet. By around 2:30 I was completely out of it.

Coming from mainly a background of doing speed (minimally), coke (the drug of choice) and marijuana (only occasionally), the experience of time while on oxy was very new to me. When high on pot, I don't seem to care at all about the passage of time; it passes normally for me, only with a different, gloopier sort of rhythm. On speed and coke, I'm moving so fast that everything else seems to take forever. It's one of the benefits to stimulants, they seem to last longer than they actually do, because I'm moving so quickly in comparison to everyone else around me. But with oxy, I sink into my bed to close my eyes for a few minutes, and half an hour goes by. I drift in and out of strange waves of warmth and coolness. Suddenly everything feels very lucid and palpable, but then I suddenly become lost in many layers of oxy-tainted euphoria again. I often have slight sonic hallucinations, memories of sounds mingle with actually sounds in my environment. On 15 mg I imagined a girl laughing right behind me, though there was no one. I continually thought the phone was ringing, or an alarm was going off, only to realize it was only my imagination.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42814
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 31, 2007Views: 74,408
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Oxycodone (176) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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