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Permanent Trails and Other Aftereffects
2C-I, Morphine, Alcohol, Cannabis, Cyclobenzaprine & Hydrocodone
Citation:   eye crack. "Permanent Trails and Other Aftereffects: An Experience with 2C-I, Morphine, Alcohol, Cannabis, Cyclobenzaprine & Hydrocodone (exp41035)". Mar 25, 2005.

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  repeated oral 2C-I (capsule)
I started out the night just like any other went to my friends house looking for a way to get high or somethin else fun. My friend X showed up and had around 200mg's of 2c-I in powder form. I had done this drug before and its by far my favorite. Once he arrived he offered to hook me up with some so I gladly accepted the donation. I’m guessing the dosage was about 20-25mg's. soon after that a friend of mine arrived with some bud we chiefed about 5 bowls. Then someone with alchohol arrived so I took around 3 shots. I was in my usual stoned drunken state when the 2c-I kicked in. Things were bubbling and flashing colors. As usual I felt slightly dissociated. towards the nights end friend X asked if he could chill at my house for the night I obliged. When we got back to my house he offered more 2c-I,probably another 20mg dose. We waited a bit and played some video games. After waiting around 30 minutes I noticed I was hearing things creek and it seemed like everything was twisting into a focal point. My friend reminded he had some morphine so we went into my room turned on the black lights and snorted 30 mg's of morphine between the two of us. After that X gave me another dose of 2c-I and then another one immediately after.

Since it was all in powder form I couldnt tell exactly how much I had taken but I’m guessing the total to be around from 80mg's to 100. As we just stared off into space my closet doors began opening and closing starting off violently and then slowing down and then they began just dripping onto the floor. My body was completely relaxed and I could feel myself falling through my couch. Everything seemed perfect. As we sat there X reminded of the cyclobenzaprine and vicadin that was sitting in my parents bathroom cabinet. I forced myself to my feet and began the long journey up stairs. My house was pitch black but somehow I could see everything in my minds eye. It was like watching a screen with what was in front of me playing on it. its hard to explain but anyways... I walked into my moms bedroom and grabbed the pills. I came out and my friend was waiting for me in the kitchen... he had decided to turn all the lights on. I took out 3 10mg cyclobenzaprine for each of us. ingested that. Took out 2 vicadin for each of us. ingested that. I dont remember how many mg's they were I dont think I cared enough to check at that point. I was still tripping insanely hard and it felt like I was dreaming (the time was around 3A. M.) soon after that my friend offered to snort some more of his morphine up. So we each split another 30mg pill.

At this point I was tripping so hard it felt like I was normal. It was the oddest thing I’ve ever experienced. Everything had stopped moving and changing colors. I was upset because I took at least 40mg's of 2c-I no more than a hour and a half before hand. I just felt like if I moved that my heart would explode. so I sat there and did nothing til around 5A. M. then I decided to screw waiting for anything else and go to bed (cyclobenzaprine causes extreme drowsiness... at least in my case I find it hard to stay awake for anything) when I woke up I felt completely retarded. I wouldnt recommend doing this much 2c-I to anyone as it has permanetly given me trails behind moving objects and I now often mess up on my speech even more so than from the first 14 times I used the drug in pill form. Also people around me have noticed a slight change in my personality such as a shorter temper and being paranoid about people going out of there way to avoid me. I’m just guessing this is from the 2c-I mainly since it is a psychoactive. It could easily be from any of the other drugs taken through out the night. this was my experience.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41035
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 25, 2005Views: 1,178
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2C-I (172) : Post Trip Problems (8), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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