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Galactic Roman Warrior
Mushrooms, MDMA (Ecstasy), Oxycodone, & 2C-B
by ZB
Citation:   ZB. "Galactic Roman Warrior: An Experience with Mushrooms, MDMA (Ecstasy), Oxycodone, & 2C-B (exp39930)". Jul 26, 2005.

T+ 0:00
1.7 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (plant material)
  T+ 5:35 1 tablet insufflated MDMA (ground / crushed)
  T+ 7:00 1 tablet insufflated MDMA (ground / crushed)
  T+ 7:00 1 tablet insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
  T+ 13:20 20 mg insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
Lets begin with mindset, good. Nothing to do for weekend, plan on going to friends house to chill and puff, relaxed. At friends house in the emerald city. Just another Friday night. Preparations include good friends (4 or 5), lots of chronic pot before, during, and after the trip, two pills of ecstasy (one blue lamp, one tan dollar sign) and two 2C-B capsules with approximately 10 mg each, endless variety of music, and movies (can’t remember exactly all the details). I had read about the wonderful synergy between MDMA and 2C-B, and thought I should try this evening, but wasn’t totally prepared. So let’s begin.

T+0:00 - Our hero is offered free half eighth of Amazonian ‘death cap’ cubensis. These ’bensis are notorious for sending folks to the hospital when they are inexperienced and eat the 3.5 grams. My 1.7 g was stronger than other trips at three or four grams, very potent. Not like the 7-10 grams administered for a ++++ experience potent but anyways… 6 pm I munch on the two little bubbly caps (fully closed and very blue!).

T+0:45 - the four other peeps didn’t eat any mushrooms as they were going to eat ecstasy when some other friends showed up. So just me in the room with friends, music, blunts. Good vibes all around, I am a little nervous, palms sweating, pupils dilated. My ‘shit-eating’ grin was noted many times in the first hour and my only response to any stimulus in the first hour and a half was an approving mmmmmmmmm… and more smiling. These shrooms really took over while not sending me too far into the stratosphere. A good ++. So the mushies treated me nice for a while. Thoughts of the hierarchy of the room were most prevalent. While the ‘king’ was gone (we’ll call him m) the princes and the dukes assumed responsibility for the ‘treasure’ in the pirate chest. Other kids would come in to get some pot/shrooms/and/or ecstasy the ‘treasure’ and I’d be hopelessly trying to place them in the right spot of the hierarchy. Many times there were completely different people in the room all convening in this spot which was revealed as setting for many ‘chapters’ of many heroes’ quests. So for about five hours I grinned, smoked, grinned, and thought about life as the magical quest of, well, life…what does this all mean, and what is really going on sort of thoughts.

T+5:00 - Peak of the mushrooms is over, at its best it hit about a +2.5. Had I planned thoroughly for the night I would have taken the ecstasy at around the 2.5-3 hour mark for the notorious ‘hippie-flip’ but I was planning on only taking ecstasy and the 2C-B, so much for that I figured, and take some bong tokes.

T+5:25 - (Around midnight) most of the clientele for the evening has subsided. Our hero finds himself still in the room, the king, the queen, the prince, the princess, they all eat one pill of the tan dollar sign ecstasy followed by insufflating of some Oxycontin to take ‘that speedy edge off’, and the hero disguised as court-jester follows suit.

T+5:35 - One blue lamp ecstasy obtained previous was insufflated. The burn, and begins the talking. Classical ecstasy scenario. Shirts come off, head bands and cigarettes come out, back rubs, waxing philosophical about this and that, him/her, lots of love, and cigarettes. Really nice, but no synergy between shrooms and E. Too much time in between, so our hero purchases a tan dollar sign and that too is insufflated (T+7:00 hrs) with about 5 mg Oxycontin mixed into one of the fat two lines. Oxy has more burn than any amphetamine, or phenethylamine I’ve ever put up the smeller. Ouch!!! Followed by sedated, slowed down wave of empathy. It really did take the speedy teeth chattering out of the ecstasy. Not too much insight though, ecstasy kind of gives you the message a few times, then it is the same ‘just having fun’ we all love. Had I not just been tripping, and grooving to the tunes (reggae ‘dub’ side of the moon) talking would have proved very easy and probably could have led to some breakthrough. I attribute the lack of wow from the ecstasy with too much time in between shrooms and E (by the time I start rolling I’m almost completely done trippin’) and from the sedated feel of any pain killer. So this is where it gets good.

T+13:00 - Around 7 am. Everyone is done rolling their brains out, I remain smiling, although pretty tired. A couple conversations still remain, lots of pot, and I’m just not done. So the 2C-B was pretty much forgotten about what with the shrooms and ecstasy, until a speck of sunlight hits my face come peeking out from behind the beautiful Cascade Mountains. Ah, sunrise! There is some idea that our pineal glands which turn tryptophan to tryptamine, then into 5-hydroxytryptamine 5-HT or serotonin, then into melatonin…that the pineal gland is sensitive to photons and amounts of light which somehow has an effect on the pineal and what it does. This is apparent in looking at the amount of melatonin (created in the pineal gland from serotonin) that is released in the skin of people with lots of sun, compared to little sun (us whitefolk) when serotonin is acetylated melatonin is created. So the sunshine really can make you happy, or at least play part in the way serotonin is naturally released. Anyway, maybe I was just high, but the sun hit my face and the warmth, the color, the all around elevation of mood from, done rolling and it’s cold in the am feeling to, lets try insufflating the 2C-B! How fun. The color of the new day, there’s got to be some synergy left in any combination of the substances. So…

T+13:20 - (7:20 am) Two pills emptied, consume empty gel caps, no trace left behind. Approximately 20 mg 2C-B insufflated.

T+13:30 - Uh…oh…. Chills, extreme pupil dilation (I can actually see them getting bigger!!! And smaller, and turning inside out and different colors, and shooting off across the mirror) my body was really tired and I shook, and

T+13:40 - Vomit, nothing too horrific, had to be done. I go back inside from vomiting, and have a hard time keeping anything straight in my head. Very extreme distortions. The king is now the lion of the tribe of Judah. Peoples faces drip and distort, I can’t look anybody in the eye without a third one appearing and forming the triangle with two real eyes and the third setting off all sorts of geometries. Still very anxious and sweaty, can’t smoke, too nauseous… and then

T+13:41 - (about 20 minutes after snorting) I relax completely into the material, very empathic, but also the color, the ease of the OEV’s. Like I was being sent out into orbit on top of 1, 500 kilotons of rocket fuel only with a single strand of silver thread sent down to relay any information obtained in the cosmos to my body. Ah, my body, how are you down there? Down there, why the fuck are you all the way up there?

I had never done a 2C-X and known what it was. This time the magical velveteen phenethylamine ‘luster’ was revealed to me in such the magnificent OEV consisting of a poster with a picture taken by a satellite obviously of a nebula with the green, red, and blue gases against the starry black background. The black gained the actual depth of space, (very psychedelic, and empathically meaningful due to I was feeling everything I saw) the stars swarmed like I was seeing bees (to see bees) and the colored gases took the form of galactic roman warriors charging their chariots through space and time. Very unexpected. A very characteristic ‘swarming’ of colors which proved for the best visuals (other than good LSD) I’ve ever had. There was no separation of mind from body like with the DMT or high doses of shrooms, rather a wonderfully color rich, fluctuating sense of self allowed time to ‘play’ with this reality. I would have had to eat like ten grams of shrooms to get those kind of OEV’s.

Short onset due to snorting, very sketchy, then relax, and wonderfully colorful and empathic 3hrs. two playful kittens who watched over our hero the joker as lioness in training were snuggled with as I passed out probably three hours after insufflation 16:45 hrs. I probably woke up 6 or 7 hours later, usual I just ate a whole bunch of drugs and its the next day feel. Lots of bong tokes and 12 hours of sleep take care of that. Sunday evening I went home.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39930
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 26, 2005Views: 48,807
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MDMA (3), Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66), 2C-B (52), Oxycodone (176) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4)

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