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Heavy Stone
Citation:   OTCAbuser. "Heavy Stone: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp38947)". Erowid.org. Mar 5, 2008. erowid.org/exp/38947

T+ 0:00
250 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:30 100 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
Through a bit of curiosity, I decided to OD on Diphenhydramine. I was expecting a nice trip with lots of vivid visuals.

T: 0:00 - I started off the evening by taking 10 caps of Benadryl (250 mg) on a full stomach while driving to a friend's Christmas party.

T: 0:30 - I arrive at the party with a vague 'amped' kind of feeling. I don't know if it's the actual drug working, or the anticipation making me excited. I start having this weird pain in my upper left chest area, but it quickly dissipates.

T: 1:00 - I'm very excited at this time, and convinced that I will not let the Benadryl put me to sleep. A head fog starts settling in with a mild, euphoric feeling sweeping across my body. I'm perfectly content to be on my own for this trip, and I begin to watch with fascination at other people and their social interaction.

T: 1:30 - I begin to realize that my ability to socially interact is quite impaired. I attempt to talk to a few people, but I trail off, forget what I was going to say, or speak nonsense and gibberish. I begin to feel quite euphoric, and I start laughing sporadically. I begin to see tracers, and the lights are leaving imprints in my vision. I have trouble standing and walking straight.

T: 2:00 - My entire body begins to feel really heavy, and I sit down for a while. Someone offers me a few hits of Mary Jane, but I decline, thinking it will ruin the 'purity' of my 'trip.' My social skills are still quite impaired at this time. I get a strange sense of satisfaction staring at insignificant things like my hands and the wall in front of me.

T: 2:30 - My friends enter the garage and I decide to dance for them. Every else looks like they're having a shitty time, so I might as well be the entertainment! Being that my body feels like lead, I just slug about the floor clumsily, while they laugh at what a jackass I'm making of myself. My vision seems to slow down to about 5 frames per second and I can't keep up with what's going on around me.

T: 3:30 - I hit my plateau, with a very heavy 'stoned,' sleepy feeling. I don't care too much for social interaction at this point - I'm content to be in my own little world. I start saying things and repeating them over and over to myself, and I make up stupid little nonsense songs to sing. I decide I want to get higher, and take 100 mg more of Benadryl.

T: 4:00 - Still tracers and flashing lights. Sometimes, the color of the room distorts but no major visuals or aurals. The 'stoned' feeling intensifies. I begin to get annoyed at the fact we haven't left the party yet (it sucked).

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

T: 5:00 - I still feel sleeply at this time. The stoned feeling is mostly gone. After drinking a shake at Denny's (tasted wonderful) and arguing with my friends, I decide to go home and finally sleep. The ride home is where this trip becomes somewhat interesting. The music coming from my car stereo doesn't seem enhanced in any way at all, but I start getting severe visual distortions. Trucks that aren't there appear in front of me for a split second; cars shrink and grow right before my very eyes. Distant shadows turn into people moving in the street. I start having to fight the urge to sleep.

T: 6:00 - I'm finally laying in bed after the difficult drive home. I stare at the ceiling and watch the colors change on my walls. I promptly fall into a coma-like sleep for 13 hours.

T: next day - I feel kinda groggy, but not too bad. There's a little bit of a hangover feeling.

All in all, this trip wasn't really worth it, I probably would've had a better time if I drank. The visuals were nothing special, just the same sort of thing you'd get if you were really, really tired or in a hypnagogic (half-awake) state. No little green men or butterflies appearing in front of me. I have tripped off of DXM several times, and Benadryl is very boring compared to that.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38947
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2008Views: 19,535
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