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My Pain and Addiction
Oxycodone (Oxycontin)
by Zach
Citation:   Zach. "My Pain and Addiction: An Experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin) (exp38513)". Jun 25, 2007.

80 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
Having used many opiates (opium, vicoden, percocet, endocet, vicoprofen, morphine, oxycontin, etc...) I consider myself a relatively experienced opiate user. Now I have started using OxyContin on an extremely frequent basis (Pretty much every day), and have found my 'sweet spot' for dosage.

My first bad experience from Oxy came not too long ago. I had arrived home from work at about midnight, and had a terrible migraine. I sat down at my desk, and got out my bag of pills and took one 40 mg Oxy. Up until this point, I had never insufflated Oxy. To my dismay, the effects were extremely weak, and hardly noticeable.

At this point my head was feeling awful and I needed immediate relief to take away the pain and put me in a better mood. I chopped up another 40 mg pill and made it into one line with my ID, rolled up a $20 bill and snorted it. I got up to get a drink and by the time I reached the stairs I got hit, and quite hard I should add. I realized moving was pretty much out of the question after about 15 minutes. However, the pain was gone and I felt an overwhelming euphoria, even though I was exhausted and there was nothing to do, I was in extremely high spirits. I then got a little angry that I had been wasting my Oxy taking it orally, but figured what the hell, I still have a lot left.

After about 2 hours, the euphoria began to wear off, and then I began to feel ill. I had never taken more than a whole Oxy before, and snorting the pills or breaking them up produce a much greater effect than taken whole. I threw up a few times, and then passed out. The next morning I returned to work at about 9 a.m., still feeling sick. I threw up and swore off Oxy altogether. However, when I got home I decided to snort more, but this time only half a pill (20 mg). This dosage I found to be my 'sweet spot', where I felt strong euphoric effects, and minimal constipation/nausea. I usually redose another 20 mg every 5-6 hours for optimal usage.

I take a good amount, usually 20-40 mg. This dosage allows me to feel amazing, be void of pain, and function in daily life. I still managed to work 40 hours and week and maintain good grades, despite daily use of OxyContin for about a year now. OxyContin is easily my favorite.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38513
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 28,027
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Oxycodone (176) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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