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Notes From an Opium Tea Enthusiast
Opium tea
Citation:   Garabed. "Notes From an Opium Tea Enthusiast: An Experience with Opium tea (exp3738)". Nov 21, 2000.

  oral Opium (tea)
After reading several pieces on this and related sites, I must write in defense of 'opium tea', or poppy-head tea. Most of the gripes are with the strength, taste, and variable nature of the high. I have been drinking 2-3 g of opium 2-3x / wk. for 5 yrs. and have had learned a few of my own tricks...

First , to help out that earthy taste, add peppermint, cinammon, and/or anise while the tea is brewing. Much better and the peppermint will help first timers with any nausea. Secondly, use enough material. 5-6 'giants' are good for a 150 lb. adult, but you need at least 20 smaller heads (10-12 grams powdered) to get off (2-3 g opium). Take on an empty stomach with 500mg tyrosine.

I feel much stronger , longer lasting effects than with smoking. The price and availability of good heads here in NYC make it easier to buy fresh and dried flowers than to grow your own. I have shared this tea with special revered guests who always feel the highest high when we share this drink coupled with sacramental marijuana.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3738
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 21, 2000Views: 44,901
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Opium (63) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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