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I Was Ready for This
2C-T-2, Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   Nicolai. "I Was Ready for This: An Experience with 2C-T-2, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp35433)". Jan 11, 2007.

20 mg oral 2C-T-2 (capsule)
    oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis - Hash (plant material)
    smoked Cannabis - Hash (tar / resin)
My lifelong friend Adam and I were camping in the Michigan UP. Our campsite was right on Lake Superior. Just beyond our tent, long slabs of rock jutted out into the lake. We had been drinking whiskey and laying in the sun all day, smoking hash and cannabis, having a splendid day.

The sun started to set and I was getting the fire ready when Adam said he had a surprise for me, and produced two brown capsules. He told me to trust him, and in a gesture of recklessness I washed the capsule down with whiskey and proceeded to ask what it was. 'Two see tee two.' He said. 'Huh,' I said, and went about my business splitting wood and getting us ready for a long night's fire. I later found out that the dose was 20 mg.

The sun is down now, the sky purpled, and it's been about 45 minutes after we swallowed the pills, Adam gets up and starts behaving strangely. He gets down on his stomach and stares at the grass with his flashlight. Consequently I start acting like the adult of the group, tending the fire and trying to talk my wasted friend back to sanity.

He keeps asking how I'm feeling and I say fine. I don't feel anything. Then, about 90 minutes after ingenstion, I start giggling. It feels warm like a good dose of vicoden. Adam points the flashlight at the grass near my feet and says, 'Look at the grass.' I looked for a second and didn't see anything. Then I noticed a subtle movement and sparkling.

Up until this point, I have smoked plenty of cannabis in my life, eaten mushrooms once with little effect, and taken the usual painkillers for kicks. That's it. No raves, no sweaty jungle dance orgies on Exstacy, nothing.

I felt like doors in my mind were being blown down. Everything moved, breathed, the fire I was tending wobbled and rose into the air. The tents of our fellow campers looked like they were rising into the air. When I looked at my hand with a flashlight, it seemed to turn into an old man's hand and sprout white hairs rapidly. 'This is some Fear and Loathing shit,' I heard myself saying. We laughed and had the most open and honest and glad-to-be-alive conversation that I've ever experienced. The stars were out in full and they exploded in colors indescribable. We both kept saying that it was the perfect evening, that the planets were aligned, that we both had a better idea of what God was. We layed out on the rocks for what seemed like hours, but when we walked back to the fire we managed to figure out that it had only been about 15 minutes.

The coals were the most interesting. There were lots of faces, kaleidescopes absolutely full of faces, lots of them close-up and indistinguishable. Adam and I both had this in common. 'Do you see the faces?' He had said. I immediately replied, 'Yes, I see the faces.' Eyes, mouths - it was like a strange mosaic of people staring at us. A few faces came in conherently and I recognized them as people I knew in passing who I thought I'd forgotton about. Animations also abounded, and I was eventually able to get control over them and will myself to see certain things. After about five hours we started smoking hash and weed, and we both had a beer. The trip went on all night. We crawled into the tent around dawn, so it must have been around eight or nine hours total. We both fell asleep to mild visuals.

Overall, having never experimented with drugs of this nature, this experience changed my life. I experienced no nausea, no discomfort, no panic. Tranquility and lucidity ran strong throughout this experience. I'm sure the setting had a lot to do with this.

Someone thinking about taking this drug should not assume that they'll have a good time or come out of it with 'expanded consciousness.' As reality started bending around me and I began to realize the seriousness of the drug, I had an overwhelming feeling that I was ready for this. I wasn't a kid anymore, I wasn't rebelling against authority. I was finished with college, and I wasn't trying to live out some fantasy of being a hippie in the sixties. That, I think, gave very positive vibes to a trip that certainly could have been negative.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35433
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2007Views: 9,133
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2C-T-2 (53) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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