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Best High in the World
Citation:   OrsonXL. "Best High in the World: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp32598)". Nov 17, 2007.

  repeated oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
At the beginning of this year, I had some nasty kidney stones which were really ripping up my insides. I was prescribed the opiate narcotic Percocet (Oxycodone) to help deal with the pain. I read on the internet about all the addictive properties of this drug and resigned myself to the fact that I would have to force myself to take it responsibly. Little did I know how powerful the effect of this drug would be on my ability to use logic and reason.

It started off pretty normally; if I would start to pass a stone, I would take a Perc and the pain would pretty much subside. But I started to think that I wasn't getting the real 'high' that I had heard about this drug, and so I would start taking 2 of them for the pain. Then 3. Then I would take them even when I didn't have any pain. I'd take 3 before bed every night. I would take 3 if I was going to go out of my house for any reason. Eventually I was told that I could make pretty good money selling these pills, so I started dealing them out at 5 bucks a pop. The money wasn't worth it though, I wanted the pills more than the cash, so I stopped selling them.

Unless you have taken a drug like this, you cannot understand the hold it develops over you. When I take these pills, all I want to do is exist. I can sit and stare at my computer screen for hours. This drug made me very emotional, and sometimes I would remember that I said things to ex-girlfriends and old crushes that I absolutely should not have said. The euphoria was the best part, though. I just felt 'warm,' there is no other way to describe it. I would continually tell my friends that 'it feels like candy is pumping through my veins.' It is amazing, but at the same time weakening. I knew I was falling into its grasp but there's nothing I could do about it.

I began to develop a tolerance after a few weeks, obviously. Usually I only do very minor drugs like pot, and if I'm feeling frisky I'll do mescaline for hallucinations. So I decided to combine Percocet with weed. I took a couple pills before heading over to a friend's house, and when we arrived I was immediately greeted by people wondering where the rest of my Perc stash was so they could get their hands on it. I told them I was out. I started feeling the Perc effects as I sat on my friend's floor, and after I had been pretty wasted for about 15-30 minutes, we started to take bong rip after bong rip. We packed the bong about 4-5 times in total, and I was unbelievably stoned.

I began feeling so guilty for lying to my friends about being 'out' of Percs, so I told them the truth and they were very happy to hear this news. They crushed up some pills and snorted them, so I decided I would do another one as well. When the powder went up my nose, I felt a pretty intense burning sensation, it was quite unpleasant but I was so stoned that I didn't care. I laid down on the carpet and started to fall in and out of consciousness. All I wanted to do was lay there for eternity. After a couple hours of just laying and listening to the conversations around me, the music playing, the walls spinning, the people I arrived with wanted to leave.

I couldn't get up, so they forced me to get on my feet. It was quite a rush as I stood up. I suddenly felt able-bodied again, and walked to the car. After being dropped off at home I went immediately to bed. I forced myself to stay awake so I could experience this unbelievable sensation of just being alive. Laying there with the television on and my legs tingling, I actually started to contemplate taking more pills. This is what the drug does to me; once I feel the slightest bit of a coming-down sensation, I need to get back up to where I was before. I managed to suppress it and finally started to drift to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning I felt no side effects except pretty extreme drowsiness. I forced myself to get rid of my pills that morning for reasons I don't even know. I didn't want to get rid of them, I just knew that I had to before this became even more of a problem than it already was. I experienced withdrawal for a few weeks afterward. I couldn't sleep at night but I felt tired all day long, I would vomit on a pretty regular basis, I experienced some pretty heavy depression, often times just bursting into tears for no reason at all. All I could think about those weeks were the pills, but I exercised enough self-control to convince myself that it would be better this way.

The addiction had started to take me, but I escaped it and I am very happy for that fact. I have to admit, however, that as soon as I heard about a friend getting his wisdom teeth out and being prescribed Percocet, the first and foremost thought that popped into my head was 'How am I going to get my hands on that?' I am not going to let this control my life.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32598
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 17, 2007Views: 92,240
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Hangover / Days After (46), Multi-Day Experience (13), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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