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Not for the Faint of Heart
Citation:   Finder. "Not for the Faint of Heart: An Experience with AMT (exp31752)". Oct 26, 2007.

60 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
I've taken AMT six or seven times now and have without fail had a positive experience each time. Getting too the experience through incredible nausia and other forms of body load was always hard and not for the faint of heart. There is a price to pay for your AMT ride, I happen to think its worth it.

About a year ago my wife and I were on vacation at the beautiful and remote home of her reletives. All the family members were going to be gone for an entire day leaving my wife and I alone at this great house in the mountains. I had brought along 60mgs of AMT and had planned to do some or all of it on this day. I had taken 40mg doses on two other occasions and had really good experiences. Sixty mgs is a large dose but I had really felt that at the 40mg dose I was almost but not quite getting good visual effects. Enhanced color and light but no motion or closed eye visual effects. My wife was supportive so I decided to go ahead.

I took two 20mg capsules at 9:30 a.m and waited until nearly 11:00 a.m. before taking the final twenty. The first two hours of the trip were downright painful. I didn't vomit but I felt sick. After the initial nausea wore off, there was an intense feeling of just wanting to crawl out of my skin. As if my body could not contain the physical sensations it was having. I've since compared it to the feeling someone gets when a strong hit of MDMA first comes on. Sort of an overpowering sense of good feelings. Only with AMT it seemed to go on for at least an hour.

My wife kept checking with me. Was I alright, did I need anything etc..? I did not feel completly bad, it was strangely pleasant but yet really, really intense. At about the two hour mark I started to feel much better and walk in the garden and went for a short hike. Colors were really enhanced and I began to see trails as bees and birds flew by. Over the next six or seven hours I spent time looking at clouds, trees, flowers and talking with my wife. We had really good conversation and spent some time in the hot tub. At one point I definantly had the feeling that I could change the shape and colors in the clouds.

The most stiking moment of the experience came about 6 in the evening just at the sun was beginning to set. I was uptairs laying on our bed with my eyes closed and just feeling really good and really high. I for some reaon began to feel like there was an aura around me and that if my wife were to come upstairs and see me she would be able to see this aura. Right after that thought I began to feel amazingly safe and taken care of. I had the thought and for the first time in perhaps my whole life felt totally safe and unafraid. I knew my troubles, problems, the real world was still there but I just felt completely protected and safe for those moments. I don't really know how long those feelings lasted but eventually I got up and told my wife what had happened, It was a really moving experience for me.

I have found that for me at least AMT has a softer, warmer trip than say 5-meo-amt. Each of my experiences with AMT have included lots of long and interesting conversations with friends, good visuals at higher dosages and a quiet , ethereal since to them. Recently I took AMT again but an hour prior to taking taking my dose I took an anti-nausea drug and had really great results. The usual nausea and body gone. Good luck

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 31752
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 26, 2007Views: 6,790
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AMT (7) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Alone (16)

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