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Datura... Poison Not a Drug
Citation:   Dhempster. "Datura... Poison Not a Drug: An Experience with Datura (exp2819)". Oct 8, 2000.

1.5 Tbsp oral Datura (seeds)
Brett urged me to experience datura (jimson weed) brought from Moreno Valley by a guy named Jim, peer pressure let in and I did. It was something I regretted. I had eaten the seeds from 2 of the spikey balls and 45 minutes later I found my vision and motor skills distorted as if I was drunk. 10 minutes later I found myself talking to familiar people and then having them dissappear before me. Now some people would say how cool but while all this was happening I felt sick and not able to think or express myself easily. As I tried to sleep it off I would doze off and wake up sometimes living my dream for about a minute in my bedroom after I had woken up. The next day when I woke up I still had symptoms of dilated pupils and I couldnt read any type of small print or focus my eyes very easily. This scared me because for 2 days my eyes didn't go back normal, also I was still having conversations with people that weren't really there. I like smoking marijuana and every once in a while try hallucinogens like acid or shrooms, but datura is like being poisoned and living through it. I advise people to stay away from this plant and not to try it at all costs. It isn't a fun trip. If someone decides to try it make sure a sober person is around to keep an eye on you because of its known cases that have lead to death. This plant had opened my eyes to know exactly what I'm putting in my body. Research it deeply before attempting to dose off of it.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2819
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 8, 2000Views: 7,059
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Datura (15) : Unknown Context (20), Post Trip Problems (8), Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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