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A Quiet Smoker
by Me
Citation:   Me. "A Quiet Smoker: An Experience with Cannabis (exp2707)". Mar 5, 2001.

3 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I was visiting the hippy town of Woodstock for the weekend with some older friends (most of my friends are over 30 and I am in high school). I suspected that pot might be part of the day's activities, but I wasn't sure if my friends thought I was old enough to become one of the stoner crowd.

We arrived at an art collector's house to hang out before we went swimming. My friend J pulled out his pipe, and a little box with a bud in it, and put it in front of me and walked away. I took it upon myself to prepare it and share it with everyone else. My first inhale was smooth, maybe because I had been around the smoke before, and my lungs were more tolerant. I held it in long, hoping to get some amazing high that is spoken of in movies and cloudy rooms. I took two more hits afterward, just to ensure some reaction from the stuff.

After we finished, we went to a swimming hole by the waterfalls. This was very cool. On the way there, I was hearing my favorite CD for the first time, all over again. Every sound was a perfect harmony to my mood. It was beautiful. The water was cold, and the reflections of light on the water got my mind to wander. I closed my eyes and thought about breathing underwater, and floating in a tranquil paradise. Somewhere in this stream of thought my parents came to mind, and I began to feel guilty. This was a major bring down from my high. I quickly deminished the thought, but I couldnt get back what was lost.

The day went on, and it wore off slowly. I was in a generally calm, peaceful state of mind for the entire day. I do recommend this stuff to everyone who likes to relax and dream, but only in moderation. In excess, this does no good.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2707
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2001Views: 11,357
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Cannabis (1) : Various (28), General (1)

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