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Reality Trickery
Atropa belladonna
Citation:   Fla Keys. "Reality Trickery: An Experience with Atropa belladonna (exp27)". May 31, 2000.

0.25 glasses oral Belladonna (tea)
This is bad shit. the problem is you do not know what reality is or when it is. one minute you puff a joint with one friend the next minute your miles away at the beach sitting in the water. turning your head or sneezing will change where you are and what you are doing totally to where you dont know what reality is. a note if you are using the buddy system (highly recommended) your buddy will talk soooo fast you will not understand what there saying they will have no color in the eyes only black and talk in tongues.

this stuff is not to be takin lightly. lsd does not hold a candle to the trickery which will be played by this plant. please be careful i was very lucky to have only drank the last quarter glass of bella donna tea. After jumping out of a moving car and running full speed through the bushes (i'm talking jungle terrain), my best friend was lost in the florida keys mangroves for almost 24 hours. he was half blind for about 3 days afterwards. best of luck. stick to reef!

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 27
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2000Views: 49,010
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Belladonna (9) : Difficult Experiences (5), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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