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Don't Try This at Home
Citation:   Deadhead Fred. "Don't Try This at Home: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp20135)". Jan 3, 2003.

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30 ml IV Mushrooms (tea)
I had a friend named Fred that always has done dumb shit. Well for instance when he took over 60 ten mg valiums and had to be literally carried to the hospital. That isn't shit compared to what he did about two months ago. My girlfriend and I was eating at O'Charlies when I got a phone call from Fred on the cell phone. When I answered he was trippin his nuts off and asked me where my shroom field was located and hard as it may seem he actually got the directions down and told me he was on his way and we hung up.

Well deadhead has a problem with an oc addiction and often shoots up but i never thought it would ever cross his mind to actually shoot shrooms up , but It come to find out the next day , when his girlfriend called,that he did it. I called the hospital but could only get through to the waiting room and I talked to his mother she did't have a clue to what had happened or what could have caused it. As I talked to her more I found out that his kidney's were on the verge of failing and his renal function shut down. Weeks later When i finally got to talked to him (after he got out of the psychiactric ward at the hospital)he told me of his experience. He said that the whole time all he saw were bugs crawling all over him and that while he was laying in the bed there were doctors circling around him trying to to find out what exactly was wrong so when Fred was able to actually speak he told one of the doctors what he had done.

Fred said that the expression on his face was memorable. In order to stabilize him they had to bring six seperate specialist since he had become a case study. Luckily Fred lived through the experience to tell after he went through numerous rehabs and mental hospitals.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20135
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 3, 2003Views: 4,542
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Mushrooms (39) : Hospital (36), Second Hand Report (42), Post Trip Problems (8), Overdose (29), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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