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I Kept Having Little Daydeams
Citation:   oxycodone, oxycontn. "I Kept Having Little Daydeams: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp19438)". Aug 1, 2018.

10 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
My first oxycodone experience

Ok this is my first time trying this....

Actually I ran across it while waderng through the random pills my mom brings home (shes a nurse) and I did a little research about it and it sounds pretty good so I'm gonna take it and share my experience with you. Ok well I have the line ready and I'm gonna sniff it... Ill get back to you as how it is wish me luck!

Ok I just took it...not really much burn, but I can feel the drip coming. Made my nose a little numb. Its been about 10 mins. I think I'm starting to feel it a little. Damn its been like another 10 mins and I'm gettin kinda dizzy.... I'm buzzing alot quicker then other people said they did.

Ok its been another 15 mins. Still buzzing.... A ciggerette sounds great right about now.
Alright anoter 10 mins...I'm definitly sweating but it still feels pretty damn good. A little shaky too. I'm in the mood to watch tv or listen to music.

10 mins later... Still watching tv, still feeling it but not real intense...I'm still waiting for the peak

Ok its been aout 20 mins now. I was laying on my couch and I felt like I weighed a ton... I couldnt get up I was just so comfortable. I'm making popcorn now. Mmmmm cant wait till its done! Whe I was laying down I kept having like little daydeams, like I was moving around but I wasnt....its diffrent then I expected from what I read.

Shit I think I burnt my popcorn. I did so I'm making another bag.

I feel like I know whats going on around me but just dont really care.

Ok well I think I'm coming down now... I cant really tell when I had my peak... I must of had it in like the first 20 mins. I definitly am lookng forward to doin it again although I gotta be careful, this shit is addicting I guess. I had fun and I hope you enjoyed my experience as much a I did!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19438
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 1, 2018Views: 1,671
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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